posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 12:36 PM
Approximately 400,000 B.C. (Earth Time)
…Far from Earth…
Jin sat in the Judgment Hall awaiting the Council of Twelve to re-enter with their judgment of him. He had been charged with Disobedience of Highest
Nature for promoting free-thinking among his clan. Since the Great War, none were allowed to show disregard for the system set in place by the
Council of Twelve to prevent another war in the future. Free-thinking was definitely not a part of that system.
When the Council entered the room and began taking their seats, Jin could tell by the look on their faces that this would not go well for him.
Vinton, the High Speaker, began announcing the decision of the Council.
"Jin Finite, member of the Oswin Clan, Planet Ginto; you have been found guilty of the crime of Disobedience of Highest Nature for speaking in a
negative voice against the laws that keep peace to our worlds. As is determined by law, the penalty for such crimes, is death. However, Councilman
Tilna has spoken of your previous contributions to the welfare of your clan, and to its survival in the Solar Storm that nearly destroyed the
population of Planet Ginto only 7 years previous. Therefore, The Law of Benefits determines that death must be removed as penalty, and exile to an
appropriate world must be used instead. It has been decided that you will be sent to the primitive Planet Gaia to assist in its social and political
evolution. Should an error in your work be revealed to the council, the previous penalty of death shall be invoked."
"That is the decision of the Council of Twelve, leaders of life, creators of law, and founders of faith. Your transport leaves immediately. You
will be allowed no more than one revolution to make your peace with your clan and the planet you leave behind. Council Officer Denst will be your
escort until your transport leaves."
"The Council of Twelve is concluded."
Jin continued to sit in his chair as the Council exited the room. He had hoped that death would be his judgment. Leaving the clan was the most
disgraceful of all the things that could have happened. This time the following day, he would be on his way to some horrible world, far from all he
had known. He did not regret the actions that landed him in his present predicament, he only wished that he could have done more to unveil the truth
to his world...the truth that the Council of Twelve was not to be trusted.
...Four years later...
Jin looked out the window of his transport. He could see his new home rapidly approaching him. It wouldn't be long before his feet were on the soil
of the Planet Gaia, the world of his exile. Jin had not been told much about this world he would be going to, only that is was a world full of
hostile life forms with no social customs, no political system, and not even so much as organized language among the more intelligent sentient
creatures on the planet. He thought that he could have been left in the void of space and had a more meaningful life.
"Transport 1VA4 has arrived at orbital altitude Exile Jin Finite. Your pod is prepared", spoke the transport's computer system. It had been a
long four years with only that voice for company. In a small way, Jin was at least happy to leave the transport.
Less than an hour later, Jin stood on Planet Gaia.
He was astonished by the abundance of life around him. Creatures flew through the air. They leaped amongst the vegetation. The waters were teaming
with swift moving things. This world had more life than anything he could imagine.
After collecting the pack with his things from the pod, Jin began walking around looking for a place to shelter. The land was rather flat, so
traveling was easy with the exception of a few places where the vegetation was extremely dense. Occasionally he heard the sounds of what could only
be large beast moving around in the distance. Instinct told Jin that this was a beautiful place, but the Council had been correct that it was also
very hostile.
It was about this time that Jin heard a growl from behind him. Slowly turning around, he immediately saw the large animal from which the sound
originated. It was definitely hostile. One look at the long fangs protruding from the creature’s mouth, and the hungry look in its eyes was all it
took to get Jin's feet moving.
...and then he fell...
That was all he could remember when his eyes once again opened. Wherever he now was, it was dark, wet, and cold. He was also aware of a severe pain
in his left leg. Upon trying to move, he realized that there was something piercing his leg and holding him to the ground. Feeling around, he felt
what seemed to be points sticking up all around him. He was lucky that only one of them had injured his leg when he fell. Jin's instincts told him
where he was, in a trap, just like the ones they used to build to catch giant rodents that devastated the crops on his home planet. Now, the question
was, who, or what, had made the trap that he was laying in. Jin wasn’t sure that he wanted to know the answer to the question.
Reaching into his pack, Jin produced a light and began shining it around the trap he had fallen in. All around him the sharp points protruded from
the floor. He had been lucky enough to fall between all but the one that still remain in his leg. As he raised the light a little higher, he thought
to himself that the pit was shaped a little like a bottle, and it was deep. There was no easy way out. Jin raised the light straight above him.
There were eyes, bright shining eyes looking down at him.
A moment later, a long straight piece of vegetation dropped on top of him from above. Something began making its way down the vegetation, getting
closer to him. Panicked, Jin began digging through his pack looking for his knife, or anything else that he could protect himself with. He felt the
small laser torch and removed it from the pack just a moment before the creature hit the floor. Jin activated the torch and reached out as far as he
could toward the beast. It wasn't much of a weapon, but it was all he had at the moment. He was going to fight for his life, even if that life was
only a few seconds longer. Immediately the torch began to burn the hair that covered the creature’s legs. The smell was horrible. The creature
backed against the wall of the pit, and began howling in pain. The second that the fire that crept up the animal’s legs was extinguished, it
attacked. It kicked Jin in the leg that was still pierced with the point. The pain was unbearable.
...and then there was blackness...