posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 11:32 AM
God's got nothing to do with this. A couple damn fools set off into the wide blue yonder without a clue or a plan and took a child with them.
That's reckless endangerment. They not only risked their own safety but the safety of a helpless child and the rescuers also.
This is what religion begets: people so sure that god talks to them that they do dumbass things (like Bush starting wars....).
You need no better definition of insanity. The atheists and agnostics keep making an issue of this because the alternative is to let the inmates run
the asylum, which is what is happening now and you see where that has gotten us. I look forward to the day where all religion is seen for the fantasy
and fairy tales that they are, and not worthy of adult attention any more than the tooth fairy or the easter bunny.