posted on May, 17 2003 @ 11:01 AM
who's saying that the chinese aren't as skilled in their combat as we are? i know discipline is at least better in the PLA then the USAF. i bet you
don't see soldiers in their bdu jacket and beret wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt underneath at the malls their like i have seen them here at salmon
run in watertown. the only reason america is perceived as the strongest army, is because it has yet to fight another superpower since ww2, and all
measurements of power have been against small weak countries with crazy governments, and drug lords. last big thing we saw was vietnam, how did that
go? and what about korea, their still divided! noreaga, that damned fool isn't even a leader! he's being held in a federal prison in or near miami!
osama and saddam are in hiding, the soviet union may have broken apart, but they're still around, and have also managed to maintain a large military
force. economically, china isn't exactly under the gun either, there's is more or less on a rise, and ours, well, you know how that's been going.
never base a militarys strength on the size of its guns, or it's size. three americans could cill thirty iraqis, while no americans were killed. who
is to say that it couldn't be the other way around some day?