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Strange happenings in my new home

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posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 07:53 PM
Hello All,

I just recently moved into an old two-story house that was build around 1900. All of the bedrooms in the upstairs and the attic door have bi-fold doors instead of traditional doors. While taking a tour of the house with the Realtor before i moved in I noticed that there was a plastic rod lying across the knobs of the attic door as if to keep the door from opening. I didnt really think anything of it at the time.

As time passed, as i was moving some small stuff into the stairwell of the attic ( never into the attic itself being that i didnt have a lot of stuff to move) the plastic rod became an after thought. I sat it just on the inside of the bi-fold attic door.

I began dating a girl right around the time i moved into the house. She noticed that the bi-fold door on the attic would partially be open when she awoke in the morning, especially on the days when i went to work very early. at first i thought it might have been pressure from opening and closings of the doors but noticed it just didnt happen all of the time!

I'm currently taking some time off work to finally get everything put in its place from where i just hadnt had enough time the last few months. As i began to finally get each room cleaned up there were a couple things i wanted to take up and put in the attic. I ventured up there, and gently laid an old printer and paintball gun on the dusty old floor. I was even talking out loud to the ghost/spirit in a friendly manner about how i had finally gotten rid of my girlfriend ( caught her cheating on me) but that's a different story. When i finally reached the bottom of the stairs into my foyer i just heard a loud crash, i ran back upstairs and could not find what had made the noise!!!

I know that we can manifest things with our thoughts. I haven't really gotten a real negative vibe from whatever it is, yet. although i catch myself staring at the attic door as i lay in my bed at night and it makes it hard to fall asleep.

Any thoughts on the situation?

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 08:26 PM
never show fear some things seem to feed on it i once had a 300 year old place that nobody but me seemed to stay in long .

just ignore what ever it is even shout out to your GUEST i want rent money if things get bad

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 08:42 PM
Rats, you may have a big problem. Since you were talking to rats in your house, I guess you can respond to a mouse

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 08:59 PM
I'd be ineterested in hearing if you have any other unusual things happen. I doubt it will stop at just doors opening and something crashing in another room. Someone or something wants your attention.

Do keep us posted.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by geobro

haha i love it, i will have to try that out. i try my best to ignore things but damn its tough lol

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 09:05 PM
odd noises are pretty common in an old house. i would wait a bit and if other weird experiences happen, then you might consider paranormal activity

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Night Star

i will def keep everyone posted. Last night i counted 4 times where i was right at that point where u know your about to fall asleep and was awaken by something, such as a shaking. not sure if that was from me just being scared or what tho.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by oneness86
reply to post by geobro

haha i love it, i will have to try that out. i try my best to ignore things but damn its tough lol
when i was living in that old cottage i thought i was losing it with all the goings on .

but the animals i had were going nuts so i new something was not right in 30 years i was the first person to stay more than a month in the place i went on to stay 9 happy years there

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 09:12 PM
ive seen a shadow man before when i was 13 and been heavily into paranormal things such as, i hate to say it, ouija boards. so its hard to tell what it is. although i would never bring one into my own home now that i am older

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by geobro

Originally posted by oneness86
reply to post by geobro

haha i love it, i will have to try that out. i try my best to ignore things but damn its tough lol
when i was living in that old cottage i thought i was losing it with all the goings on .

but the animals i had were going nuts so i new something was not right in 30 years i was the first person to stay more than a month in the place i went on to stay 9 happy years there

Kudos to you!!, what made you decide to stick it out??

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by oneness86

Originally posted by geobro

Originally posted by oneness86
reply to post by geobro

haha i love it, i will have to try that out. i try my best to ignore things but damn its tough lol
when i was living in that old cottage i thought i was losing it with all the goings on .

but the animals i had were going nuts so i new something was not right in 30 years i was the first person to stay more than a month in the place i went on to stay 9 happy years there

Kudos to you!!, what made you decide to stick it out??
i am a nutter
it probably could not have handled my drinking i think i scared it off

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Night Star
I'd be ineterested in hearing if you have any other unusual things happen. I doubt it will stop at just doors opening and something crashing in another room. Someone or something wants your attention.

Do keep us posted.

Unless chairs start sliding across the room, and kids disappear and start talking thru your TV set and such... um, I hit the road and never look back!

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by oneness86

although i catch myself staring at the attic door as i lay in my bed at night and it makes it hard to fall asleep.

You may consider sleeping in another room in which you cannot see the attic door, if possible, in order to limit the amount of energy you're giving any possible entity by focussing on the door. Did you put the bar back across the door? If not, have you found the door ajar since breaking up with your girlfriend?

I have had a similar experience regarding loud crashing sounds (sounded like someone in the kitchen was violently throwing stacks of dishes into the sink, shattering everything.) Rushing to investigate the sound and finding nothing out of place can be pretty unsettling. My experience happened in a house plagued by paranormal activity. I would therefore venture to guess whatever seems to be dwelling in your attic is probably of that nature.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by oneness86

Saw this a bit late, but it rang some bells, so responding. Thoughts? Oh, yeah. If you want the house to be YOURS, get rid of the thing, ghost, whatever you want to call it. Things like this always become worse. They aren't friendly. I don't know what your beliefs are, but casting it out is the simplest thing. Yes, as in casting out evil in the name of Jesus. Before you laugh, or shrug me off, let me share some things with you.

The attic door being barred as it was, brought to mind a house we rented for a while, over twenty years ago. Small place, in a small town, nothing special in the looks. Two bedrooms, with a hallway between, and the bath on that, an open living and dining room area, and a kitchen with a door separating it from the other rooms. Crawl space sort of attic, and a full basement, sectioned off, dark, and creepy. The ladder to the attic was through the basement door, at the head of the stairs (they ran sideways down from the kitchen, along the back of the house). The place also had these creepy cast iron wall vents, large things set at the floor, that a medium dog could walk into, if they went through. That big. The door to the basement had one of those hook latches, and would NOT open with a draft, or even if you shook it, trying to make it come loose. I tried that, testing it, after things started up. What happened? To start with, my daughter and I didn't like the place on sight. We were arriving some days after my husband, and his directions mixed up a couple of streets, so we thought the house we sought was in the next block. Passing that one, we both commented on being glad that wasn't it. Yet, it was the one. Well, we put the pets inside (birds and gerbils), and went to meet the hubby. Settling in, we never felt comfortable. There were noises in the vents (no, no rats or mice, or anything like that), and the basement creeped us both out. My husband noticed NOTHING, apparently having Ghostbuster blood or something. Nothing like that EVER is around when he is. At night, when he was not home (Army, field crap), I would ALWAYS hear heavy booted footsteps in the attic. Mind you, no head room to walk up there. No raccoons, squirrels, rats, anything - he checked. No access for them, no signs. When he was home, I never heard these sounds. No; I wasn't freaking out being alone at night - I had been a single mom for years, and was used to that. The other creepy thing was the basement door. The one with the hook latch. During the day, I was there alone. He worked, and the kid was at school. We had no non-caged pets, and it was COLD, so windows and doors stayed closed. No drafts. House locked and secure. That door, though, would regularly open, when I wasn't in the room. Happened so often, I got in the habit of closing the door into the kitchen, just to have another barrier. The place was seriously evil. I even dreamed of a little troll in the walls (think Cat's Eye). One night, though, in a dream (if that's what it was), I rebuked this thing, and to my surprise it retreated. Activity in the house, after that, settled a little, too. We moved soon after, needing more space, so that closed for me. Your attic door reminds me of that place.

I grew up with ghost stories, too, so I won't write them off as something else. Seen too much, and heard too much from people I know and trust, to do that.

Now, fast forward some years. A friend that has since moved lived in a place on post, that was haunted. From all reports, there are a LOT of haunted places here. Anyway, her situation was scary. Husbands were deployed, and she was there with her small son, still a baby, though an older one. She's been telling me of a problem on the stairs, with something there that would push her at times. Visiting, I could sense it; a very clear presence. One night, she was going through the post-bath routine with the baby. He loved his bath, and the songs and play afterward. This night, in the middle of giggles and coos, he glanced past her (from lying down being dressed), stopped smiling ,and started screaming and crying in terror. This child NEVER did that. At that stage, i was MAD. This was an innocent baby, and I was already a bit angry that a friend was targeted. Very soon after, we were staying with her for a little while, and she told me to "make myself at home". I told her what I intended, which was to evict this THING. I flat out told it to go, and it did. For a while, at least, it wasn't there. It came back later, but she doesn't believe as I do, and even admitted that she knew that was part of the problem. So, you can get rid of them, but you have to have some faith, and you have to be firm. You can't do it alone.

Sorry about the GF business; cheating is inexcusable.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by oneness86

Hey, congrats on a new place and a new girlfriend!

There's tons of reports of strange noises of things crashing without actually having something crash. It's claimed that spirits can manipulate sound. If this is true or not, I don't know but am passing it along.

I do find it strange that the door was "locked" with the plastic rod. Many spirits like to stay in quiet areas, such as abandoned buildings, cellars (basements) and you guessed it, attics. If you don't feel threatened, then I wouldn't be alarmed. Typically we can sense if the spirit is bad as we'll get goosebumps and a slight sense of dread or fear. However, if you don't want the spirit to be a normal part in your day to day life, I wouldn't communicate with it. You're giving it acknowledgement, feeding it energy. It will most likely gain energy by you just being in the house giving him/her enough power to create phantom noises. But if you feed it by trying to gain evidence through EVP's, pictures and video and of course, talking to it, you might give it more resulting in possible manifestations.

I'm not saying that because you give it energy it's going to be bad, but it can be tiring always seeing something out of the corner of your eye, having things move, touch you and such. Many people will choose to move once this is starts to occur.

And I have a feeling the rod was set as a makeshift lock namely due to this reason. To show that the previous renters were not interested in communicating. I bet they were hoping it would stay in the attic after seeing the door closed. (Remember, the spirits are people too and can take a hint.)

Than again, it could be something menacing. You won't "always" get the dread/fear feeling right off the bat. It might come slowly as the being gains more energy and is able to adversely affect you. This is why I always tell people to "leave it alone". It's better to be safe than sorry.

I'm not ruling out something natural happening, it is an older place as you said. Just keep an eye out and hit your local library to dig into the history of the home.

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