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Terrorists Already Have Orders, Could Be In Place For Attacks

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posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by irishchic
reply to post by CrikeyMagnet

Just had to give you kuddos on the word "terroristy"

Second line...

Offtopic star for the avatar.

Ontopic: This situation is very concerning.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 06:14 PM
Can you say "terrorist attack?"

"Feds Are Suspects in New Malware That Attacks Tor Anonymity"

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 07:01 PM
There are a few issues I have with this set of events.First and foremost, the fog of war is indeed thick. It has become incredibly difficult to discern exactly what is going on here, as you have multiple parties with much to gain, and by all intensive purposes they are indeed gaining.The first party with much to gain would be the U.S. National Security State. The ability to justify a universal spying apparatus would certainly be paramount in the minds at the top of this entity.The next group, could very well be the group of ideologists (U.S. and Israeli) who see the minimization of Iranian and Syrian influence within the region a top priority. And if there is any opportunity to link current and future events to said countries it could justify direct military action. You can make a strong case in saying that the benefits for this group are purely hypothetical, and I could not disagree. However, it is something that any critical thinker should have in the back of their mind in the event that the tide sways in that direction sometime in the future.Then you have the entity known as Al-Qaeda. Of course the ability to prove that their organization is not dead in the water and that they are still considered a viable threat gives them the ability to recruit from a strong position worldwide. These entities are not tied to national boarders, therefor their tactics in bringing in more bodies and funding rely much more on strength and ideology than on a national identity. Of course, you have an embattled U.S. Executive Administration who needs to divert attention away from the continuous scandals that have unfolded. You also have a financial sector who certainly needs a large scale military conflict in order to somewhat reset this financial situation. There are just so many sides that it's going to take some time for the air to clear before we can see exactly what's going on. Unfortunately, time doesn't appear to be on the side of the people, as there are many outside forces working against us.The fog of war is indeed thick.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by KnightFire

You guys should listen to the Knight.
We have all heard this before, but ,as they are very slow, it's actually coming together now.
Time for the big "BOOM-BOOM"

PS: China catches a cold.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:43 AM
BREAKING : US is telling citizens to leave Yemen immediately due to " high security threat level " .

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 09:28 AM
Jeese it sounds like weve "lost"over there in Yemen.....All those gunship sorties and drone strikes didn't make any friends I guess.......
Defeat is certainly a word the Administration will avoid, but those with eyes cannot help but see......
Meanwhile its perfect diversion and the setting of the stage for another round of scare the # out of them, and they kiss our
Certainly a FF event could be the heralding of a new (but old) direction in the war on the rest of the world, which America is persuing.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
Anyone notice how after snowden leaked that nsa is spying on all us citizens, all of sudden, all of the al-Qaeda prisoners escape from 3-4 different prisons, and now there are "threats" all over the world???

yes the 500+ AQ that were sprung from Abu Ghraib Prison i though were going to be used against the Russians in Syria...

i ammend my theory to say the AQ factions are going to avail themselves of the MANPADS missile systems (next generationStinger missiles) which are even more capable of downing commercial jets... downing them way beyond the runway area of takeoffs and landings when they were veunerable to RPGs & stinger technology

watch out all airports in the EU & the USA...dozens or scores of MANPAD equipped cells that are intent on bringing down the Westen Societies/G-20

the real kick-in-the-butt will be the disclosure that the sophisticated weaponry MANPADS came as a direct result of the Bhengazi attacks on the black-ops arms smuggling being conducted there for the FSA (free-syrian-army of AQ)
edit on 6-8-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 10:18 AM
they have info on a threat but don't wish to share any other info on what that threat may be?

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posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:12 AM
Not so much a false flag. People know the score by now. Its more like do shut up or we will have alquaeda which we fund and run blow people up until you do.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:16 AM
And kids in Iraq have orders

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by fatpastyhead
they have info on a threat but don't wish to share any other info on what that threat may be?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

well of course, they don'y want them to know that we know...........OH CRAP we have already "let them know that we know", so why if we know, do we keep it a secret?

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:37 AM
Another load of complete rubbish from the US security services to justify spying on the world, do you honestly believe there would be this so called threat if the NSA hadn't been caught out? complete rubbish.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:41 AM
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Does anyone really fall for this crap anymore. I thought W beat that s&^% into the ground. The only time I would ever get nervous would be around a "drill" that had not been previously publicized. The ones that they give you advance warning on...don't trip.

But if you happen to be in a crowd of people and there are some cropped haired muthas telling you not to trip , it is just a drill....RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by St Udio

i ammend my theory to say the AQ factions are going to avail themselves of the MANPADS missile systems (next generationStinger missiles) which are even more capable of downing commercial jets... downing them way beyond the runway area of takeoffs and landings when they were veunerable to RPGs & stinger technology

watch out all airports in the EU & the USA...dozens or scores of MANPAD equipped cells that are intent on bringing down the Westen Societies/G-20

the real kick-in-the-butt will be the disclosure that the sophisticated weaponry MANPADS came as a direct result of the Bhengazi attacks on the black-ops arms smuggling being conducted there for the FSA (free-syrian-army of AQ)...


Well LOOK at This...

400 US surface-to-air missiles were 'STOLEN' from Libya during the Benghazi attack and are 'now in the hands of Al Qaeda', claims whistleblower

By David Martosko In Washington

PUBLISHED: 16:53 EST, 12 August 2013 | UPDATED: 05:49 EST, 13 August 2013

Read more:
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If this info turns out to be real and factual... then we have a group of real traitors operating in plain sight but protected by the office they hold...

Benghazi is deeper than let on by the propaganda machine (MSM)

i was only suspiscious, but with this revelation i am now deeply concerned...for the future of the West and perhaps my own safety for reading-between-the-lines and putting out my thoughts some days earlier

see the date stamp of my earelier post in this thread ->>

...posted on 6-8-2013 @ 11:11

thats a week ago, but news like this will necessarily travel s-l-o-w

edit on 13-8-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-8-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 09:03 AM
This is nothing new, they are all full of it, and if something did happen somewhere, sometime, and someone did something somewhere, somehow, wherever.

How is it that it should have such an effect on me, here, in this place?.

A funny You-Tube video I remember seeing on TV when I used to do such things as sit in front of that infernal contraption....
edit on 13-8-2013 by MyHappyDogShiner because: getting the room in order

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by KnightFire
Here we go. The media is blowing this up already! Looking for the False Flags.

Note: this is from CBS

U.S. intelligence officials are dealing with the most credible terrorist threat in years as 19 diplomatic posts in the Middle East and Africa remain closed through this upcoming Saturday.

CBS News reports that a large-scale attack may be imminent as al-Qaeda terrorists in the Arabian Peninsula already have their orders and could be in place for execution of the alleged plot.


Video Url

edit on 5-8-2013 by KnightFire because: (no reason given)

nothing but a bunch of lying sacks of sheet and just in time to merit their use of rights violations across the board. the only terror attacks we will see are coming from DC and all the 3 letter organizations and if you believe anything else, you're a bigger fool than them.

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 03:06 PM
youse guys do realize that the general---blanket type of false flag.... is not what i am alerting this thread about....?

i]reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

reply to post by MyHappyDogShiner


according to whistle blowers,,, a sizeable cache of advanced anti-air craft missiles with near 100% kill rate

has been seized in the Benghazi operation... this might be disguised as a false-flaf... but the complicity of top level govt officials is completely visible... only the proof needs to addressed...a bunch of High Crimes is involved

400 MANPADS, advanced weapons were transferred to a sworn enemy org. or group... this is not a case of creating a straw-man to demonize

if the whistle blower testifies, and anything other than a 'blue-ribbon panel' covers up the facts concerning who-what-when-where... we should have an military-courts tribunal for impeachment at least for a half dozen conspirators

Mods... edit the post to create a thread if you all want, my only concern is to get this news out in the public
edit on 13-8-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 10:17 AM
lets tie these two investagative reports together...

they both have a focus on the past Benghazi coverup by this administration...
and the most recent full-spectrum-alert (possible false-flag alert) by a WH under stress wanting to divert attention from the several developing crises that are unfolding, IRS, NSA, benghazi,whistleblower as scapegoats

Muslim Brotherhood claim: We've got 'goods on Obama'
Son of jailed leader says evidence could put U.S. president in prison

Shoebat has published evidence documenting Khairat Al-Shater has been implicated in weapons trafficking through the Sinai and into Gaza as well as negotiating prisoner releases in exchange for terrorists.

Former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova, legal representative for Benghazi whistleblower Mark Thompson, claimed this week that intelligence officers with knowledge of the attack on the Benghazi consulate believe it was was tied to 400 surface-to-air missiles intended for Syrian rebels that U.S. officials feared could be used to shoot down an airliner or attack a U.S. embassy.

this next article poises the Question, why the blanket alert that makes no sense to analysts....

Broad US Terror Alert Mystifies Experts; "It's Crazy Pants," One Says
Thursday, 08 August 2013 10:35 By Hannah Allam, McClatchy Newspapers | Report

...Washington - U.S. officials insisted Tuesday that extraordinary security measures for nearly two dozen diplomatic posts were to thwart an “immediate, specific threat,” a claim questioned by counterterrorism experts, who note that the alert covers an incongruous set of nations from the Middle East to an island off the southern coast of Africa.

Analysts don’t dispute the Obama administration’s narrative that it’s gleaned intelligence on a plot involving al Qaida’s most active affiliate, the Yemen-based Arabian Peninsula branch. That would explain why most U.S. posts in the Persian Gulf are on lockdown, including the U.S. embassy in Yemen, which on Tuesday airlifted most of its personnel to Germany in an “ordered departure,” the government’s euphemism for an evacuation....

my personal analysis/ thoughts... are that the frantic blanket alert & closing embassies is because the WH staff of advisors got a blackmail threat to use those 400 MANPAD missiles on USA fortifications/consulates/aircrafts, particularly that Drone airbase cited in the article

...Self-appointed sleuths also tried – in vain – to divine a pattern in the locations of the closings. The Persian Gulf closures are understandable, as is the one in Djibouti, home to a U.S. drone base.

i point to a possible multi-faceted attack by the recently sprung AQ-Jihadists from prisons in Iraq on a wide swath of facilities with these 400 sholder fired missiles...that were stolen in an organized operation to secure just such weapons & put in the hands of MB or salifists , AQ...

but a blowback blackmail scheme was hatched against the WH schemers themselves... resulting the frantic alert all across the ME and N Africa


ABSOLUTELY Final post about this blowback crisis...

edit on 14-8-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

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