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2 (X) Navy seals against 100? 200? does not matter bring it on!

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posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:03 AM
Never miss a chance to drum up a bit flag waving with some macho hero BS!

They were paid mercs, working for a shady spook organization, doing illegal "work" in a country they'd just destroyed. They got everything they deserved!

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 10:13 AM
I think your wrong about Stevens. He turned down offers to help at this embassy thinking it would offend his "friends" in Libya.

I'm not minimizing the brave efforts of our Navy Seals but this guy Stevens was living in some sort if fantasy world thinking the Libyans "liked" him. They, like all Tribes over there, only use you if they can get something from you. Once someone else comes along with a better deal, they switch alliances.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

Well they shouldn't have been there in the first place. That's what they get for signing up to get their heads blown off. That's what you do when you join the Armed forces, you're signing a contract that it's ok to get your head blown off, so you nor they should have been surprised when it happened. And now they're rotting in hell with the 60 souls they killed. Just what they signed up for.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by ERagerz

I like how they're the terrorists. Typical establishment propaganda and spin (becoming increasingly common on ATS).

NATO led by the US and the West committed genocide and crimes against humanity when they attacked, invaded and occupied Libya.

Why wouldnt the people of Libya retaliate?

edit on 5-8-2013 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:41 PM
2 navy seals against a hoard of regular citizens. Like a zombie apocalypse..what the final result is a -lot- of zombies down, but inevitably, the numbers will simply win.
Brave men, insurmountable odds. Died well in regards to a warriors death

Reminds me of this quote from Conan:
"Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!"

My question:
Why is the Tea Party (a supposedly fiscal policy activist group) discussing such things? Can we just admit that the tea party is a total farce and little more than yet another social conservative culture warrior group that is simply pretending to have a single focus. They are no different than any other GOP organization pretending to be grassroots. I suppose next, they will go on about abortion and gay marriage.
a actual tea party wouldn't be waving flags, they would be questioning why we have embassys in arguably hostile areas anyhow...waste of money, and only invites trouble and a bigger drain on tax dollars...but nope...who cares about fiscal considerations when there is a flag to wave.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 04:16 PM
the story is probably more bs designed to mask additional casualties that no one knows about - but I don't care, I want it to be true.

circuitsports wills it!
edit on 5-8-2013 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Alda1981
Whenever I hear about AMERICAN heroes... I always question who exactly did they have invade their country and they fought and fell?

OH YOU MEAN THE INVASION of another country and they fell whilst getting attacked by the people who wanted to protect their families and their homes...

just sayin... gimme a break...
edit on 4-8-2013 by Alda1981 because: (no reason given)

Clearly you left some things out:


Afghanistan in the 80s
Afghanistan in the 00s

Yeah give me a break from that blatant propaganda.

Want to know how many Americans,Isrealis,Iraqi's,Afghani's and Syrian's have been murdered by Iranian bombs, and bullets and its covert operations by MOIS.

My bad clearly that doesn't fit the false narrative of that little picture.
edit on 5-8-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 05:06 PM

And Tyrone, even though you never got to hold your newborn son, he will grow up knowing the character and quality of his father, a man among men who sacrificed himself defending others.

That's very sad.. sometimes I don't understand the prise you have to pay for being that loyal. I do understand that it's necessary otherwise you would loose every battle.

courageous story ,and a great script for a movie...

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

I was under the impression that over 100 armed CIA operatives were in the area exchanging gunfire with those extremists.

Did something change from last years story? I see you repeating "the official" story but not the real story.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

Thank you for this post OP. I hope if ever needed I would be even 1% as brave.

What is sad is that today on ATS if you make a post about 2 men that fought bravely people simply want to fight. If you had posted some cops bashing post or race filled rant you would have a hundred stars & flags. I think that says a lot about the world today.
edit on 8/5/1313 by Martin75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 10:49 PM
What is really admirable is these Heroes would lay their lives on the line for any one of you who have said such hateful things. They would give their lives and did so you can spew your hatred of America, sit back at your computers and speak your minds.

May God rest their souls and grant them joy and peace everlasting. I shall gladly shake their hands one day I am sure.

"Honor, Courage, Commitment"

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

Anybody remember the Private Jessica Lynch hero hoax cooked up by the Pentagon, or Pat Tilman's "heroic" death being shot by his own side? I don't believe this so-called official story about these two former SEALs taking out 60 persons all by themselves. Weren't there at least two other security guards there, and now aren't we hearing that perhaps as many as two dozen CIA operatives were there?

I'm not saying that these two guys didn't fight bravely and perhaps did take out a lot of militants attacking the compound, but they were very likely not the only ones firing at the militants. This is just another cheesy propaganda story by the Pentagon/CIA PR factory. But I understand how this story fits into the Rambo myth for some people: the much vaunted, highly-trained US soldier versus the swarthy enemy hordes.

Yessiree, those SEALs are some bad-@ss dudes. Just look at how they blew away an unarmed Osama Bin Laden with his wife standing in front of him. BIG MEN.

It's funny, though, that people who have been complaining that we aren't getting the whole story on the Benghazi attack are confident of the details of this part of the matter.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by JDmOKI
reply to post by ERagerz

its really not that crazy to believe.... have elite soldiers holding a defensive position against a loot/mob mentality "terrorist".

I really just think all the troll hate comes from US being mentioned.

Yeah, obviously people that question the official stories spun by the US government concerning shady CIA operations that went bad are trolls. And yeah, it's just hatred of the US. Us trolls, particularly US trolls, hate 'Murika for its freedoms and for the fact that it has über soldiers who can kill our commie/islamo-fascist/terrorist swarthy-skinned brethren by the droves -- or at least hire former über soldiers as mercenaries to do so.

Creating a thread to revel in the supposed kill ratio of US-paid mercenaries seems a rather immature thing to do. And buying the official story regarding it is downright naive.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by MrInquisitive

Creating a thread to revel in the supposed kill ratio of US-paid mercenaries seems a rather immature thing to do. And buying the official story regarding it is downright naive.

Two guys run to a firefight, be they Mercs, CIA, Bugger king personnel, X-seals whatever and fought to save others. They died and you can not appreciate their valor, honor, or duty to protect and serve... I do not care if there were 10,000 other CIA/Merc dudes helping and Tyrone and Glen only shot over the heads of the attackers trying to scare them away. They did not have to go and could have hidden or thought, "not their fight why go" but they didn't..... they died doing what they thought was right...They are dead and there are their bodies to prove it unlike Bin Laden....Maybe they both just fell off the roof and were not killed by mortor fire; clumsy guys after all?? You can make up anything you want but they are dead.

When the Benghazi consulate came under fire, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty reportedly requested to intervene to suppress the attack. This would be in line with their tasked mission. As numerous reports surfacing now show, requests for military assets to be dispatched to the consulate were denied, on multiple occasions.

New accounts from FoxNews and other sources suggest that Woods and Doherty intervened regardless of unconfirmed orders to stand down. The men were heavily outgunned, but may have killed as many as sixty of the attackers.
One of the best sources for what happened that night comes from Mark Levin, who provides a fact-driven account of how Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are not mere victims, but national heroes. END QUOTE:

I guess you missed that part of the thread...didn't watch the video either?....I know, never let what others say change a made up mind? All links and authors are obvisously naive immature in your eyes as I must be for quoting them...Look in the mirror tomorrow when you shave (if old enough) and think about what you said or don't..... I really don't care what you think unless there are links backing you up.....

The other separate links in the thread are saying basically the same thing did you skip those too?? You believe what you want to no law against it...Write the publishers provided in the Links and ask how much government money they got for the B.S. story....Maybe you will get an answer so you can come back with some facts instead of an uneducated opinion....

Myself, I prefer to believe there are still those who will do everything in their power to protect and with honor serve; (no links but I have known a few even though you will probably call that B.S. too) ...but that is just me the immature downright naive sceen name with an avatar who thought it was a good story....sorry if you didn't

edit on 6-8-2013 by 727Sky because: ...

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

You're the one who evidently didn't do the reading of my two posts. Like I said in my first post, I am in no way saying that what these two paid mercenaries for the CIA did was not brave (you and others can call it heroic if you want, but that seems a rather subjective matter). I am questioning the supposed details of this "official" story about how these two guys alone defended against a 100+ militants. And were all the militants even armed with firearms? Who knows? Were there more CIA operatives there and were they armed and also defending the base? Who knows? Did these two former SEALs alone actually kill 60 attackers? Who knows? In the article you linked to and in the video you linked to no sources were provided; it was just "anonymous sources on the ground" who supposedly made these claims.

I read through this thread and through the linked sources and have yet to see any evidence of the details of this engagement. To be clear: Fox News or the Tea Party Tribune saying that anonymous sources told them these things does not make them facts.

My point is that all the Obama haters keep on saying that we aren't being given all the facts about the Benghazi attack, but on the other hand they accept as gospel the claim that these two mercenaries conducted this heroic defense all by themselves and killed 60 rebels -- without providing any attributed sources or any other facts. You folks are trying to have your cake and eat it too.

Furthermore, I point out in my first post how in recent years we have been told other "heroic" stories of our fearless warriors, which turn out to be utter poppy cock. So I am not convinced of the rumors coming out about how this engagement went down. You and your US military-worshiping fellow travelers want to buy into this story without confirmation of it? That's fine, chug all the yellow koolaid you want. Just don't expect everybody else to gulp down this equine egesta.

Again, I am not questioning the valor of these two mercenaries on the CIA payroll, rather I am questioning the astounding details of this engagement as they are being presented.

For further clarification of my POV (as evidently it is needed): Am I saying that whatever the story coming out of the the White House is what really happened? No. Am I saying these two mercenaries behaved cowardly, or didn't put up a good fight? No. Am I saying that Navy SEALs aren't elite combat troops? No. Am I questioning the details of how these guys held off 100+ militants and killed 60 of them, all by themselves? Yes. And I am still waiting for any real evidence that this indeed was the case. Is such an outcome of this engagement possible? Yes, but not probable or plausible -- particularly given that now we are hearing that perhaps a dozen or more other CIA operatives were involved in this action.

The post of mine you quote is my response to a post suggesting that anybody questioning this story -- what I am calling the "official story" (not the White House's story necessarily) -- is a US-hating troll; and part of its point is why must someone who questions this apparently astounding performance by these two former SEALs obviously be a US hater -- particularly given the fish stories we have been fed about other US military actions, e.g. the "heroic" firefight by Private Jessica Lynch and her later "heroic" rescue, the "heroic" death of Specialist Pat Tilman, and various "heroic" engagements by US forces in Iraq that were war crimes.

Yet your response is to suggest that I didn't read the thread or review the sources you cited. But there is no firm information in any of it.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

My question:
Why is the Tea Party (a supposedly fiscal policy activist group) discussing such things? Can we just admit that the tea party is a total farce and little more than yet another social conservative culture warrior group that is simply pretending to have a single focus. They are no different than any other GOP organization pretending to be grassroots. I suppose next, they will go on about abortion and gay marriage.
a actual tea party wouldn't be waving flags, they would be questioning why we have embassys in arguably hostile areas anyhow...waste of money, and only invites trouble and a bigger drain on tax dollars...but nope...who cares about fiscal considerations when there is a flag to wave.

Good question. Don't expect the reactionary, war-supporting Tea Party'ers and their conservative fellow travelers to answer it, let alone think about it.

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