posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 08:37 PM
I know little of which I speak except for a few threads I have read here. I do know it is strange for me and not medical.
For several weeks I have intermittently gotten a 'jolt' in my back...almost like a spasm but not painful. I was more like a severe tickle that
hurts. I will immediately bolt upward trying to stop it. It occurs in the small of my back along the spine. It may happen once or twice a week or
couple times a night. I think I am on my back but not sure. Don't believe I am asleep but maybe drifting.
I tend to forget about it but yesterday in the early am just before awakening, in a dream, I think but it was somewhat lucid, I thought I felt my body
arch upward and vibrate. I am almost positive i felt the vibration. At the same time, I saw my body do this. It appeared part of my body was
separating, one just above the other. I recall thinking, just go with it. I went back down and it stopped. A woman came into the room and told me i
was alright. She was tall (average seems tall to me so?) had short, dull yellow blond hair. I tried to speak but couldn't...don't recall if I
tried to get up. I awoke.
Later in the day I laid down to try to doze. I got the back jolt again.
So I am wondering if there is a connection? My thought has been that maybe I am blowing out a chakra at the navel (don't know much about chakra's).
That area of me is very very open. I can just think and it feels with many feelings. I often refer to it as the 'hole in my gut'.
I am hoping some of you can help explain where this might come from.
BTW, I have had sleep paralysis episode before both awake and seemingly asleep. I don't recall have the fear. However, I will say that some of them
have come after awakening from bad dreams, so there was some fear from the dream, but not an actual outwardly conscious fear.