posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 02:37 PM
Grab a pen and paper and write out "My Perfect Girlfriend" or "My Perfect Boyfriend" for the girls. Write out ALL of your perfect mates qualities;
hair, eye color, how they behave with you, EVERYTHING. I mean REALLY go crazy with it. After you finish that, put up a picture of someone that looks
fairly close to what your ideal person would look like. I then want you to write one powerful affirmation that you will say to yourself to get you in
the right feeling to attract this person.
Use something like "I am excitedly walking down the street holding hands with my gorgeous curly blond haired girlfriend".
So try it! REALLY put some feeling behind it. See yourself with your ideal person and then say your affirmation to yourself. After saying it,
visualize again your ideal situation.
For your affirmation it has to have a descriptive word and a verb, " I am excitedly walking..." "I am passionately kissing" "I am playfully
squeezing" etc....
So try it! and let me know how it goes.
PS - Make sure to hold the image for at least 1-2 minutes. It's been said that it takes at least 33 seconds for a concept to be implanted into your
subconscious. I ask for a minute or two just to make sure it really gets in there.
Look for images here:
Remember to Let Go and Detach!!