The following is an article that was in my home news paper. I believe this sums it up. And I give the writer an A+ . I hope this article removes all
In a recent letter, Jim K... says that violators of gun laws should be punished more severely. This opinion is misguided because all gun laws are
void. They are a direct violation of the constitution which is the supreme law of the land.
Since there is much ignorance about our heritage of liberty, here is a brief summary the Constitution:
Basic human rights such as the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness do not come from government.
People are born with these rights.These rights precede government and are superior to all man made laws. Natural rights are inalienable which means
that they are not subject to majority rule or any other rule. The right of self-defense is one of these natural rights and the purpose of the second
ammendment is put the fact into the law.
Every free person has the right to arm himself. All laws that restrict gun ownership are void because the constitution prohibits such laws.
The only purpose for creating a government is to defend individual rights, there is a duty to replace that government. If a government refuses to obey
the constitution and cannot be removed peacefully, it needs to be overthrone by force.
Gun licensing laws are ridiculous because they are like asking the fox to guard the chicken house.
The founders understood that the biggest threat to freedom comes from within and not from foreign monsters. Likewise, the threat from private
criminals is miniscule compared to the threat posed by the organized force of the government.
Throughout history, the vast majority of all violence and crime has been committed by government agents in the name of unjust laws and wars.
In a free society, government agents are servants and these servants are not authorized to disarm thier masters. The final check against government
tyranny is an armed population intent on guarding thier liberties.
In a police state, the people fear the government. In a free society, the government fears the people. In a free society, government agents are
restrained from abusing thier authority by a healthy fear of an armed populace. Likewise, private criminals are also restrained. The Founders
understood that unrestricted access to guns is necessary to guarrentee and preserve freedom.
In a free society the individual is sovereign, not the state. That is the whole point of the constitution. It is about the universal principle of
individual freedom and personal responsibility.
The belief that the enactment of unjust laws reduces private crime is contrary to the facts.
In the last several decades, thousands of gun laws together with thousands of other unconstitution laws that violate individual rights have been
enacted. And millions of honest decent people have been arrested. The result of all this government violence, crime, and prisons has not reduced
private crime. On the contrary, more and more people have no respect for the law.
In any case, human beings who exercise thier natural rights are not criminals, no matter what any law says. Criminals are those who violate the lives,
liberty, and property of others.
Murder, assault, and theft are crimes when they are committed by individuals. And they are crimes when they are committed by organized groups such as
governments. The commandment or natural law, "Thou shall not steal", does not mean, "Thou shall not steal unless some majority says that it is
The most fundamental political question is about the relationship between the individual and the state. Who serves Whom? Are you a communist or other
collectivist who believes that the individual must serve the group, or, do you support the principle of individual freedom and personal