posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:18 PM
Originally posted by darkbake
Wow... I finally see how Thomas Edison beat Tesla, it was because Edison was a businessman while Tesla was a scientist. That makes total sense.
This statement is spot on. Tesla was much more brilliant than Edison could have ever wished to be. So what happened? In my opinion Tesla's story is
one of failed capitalism, and the military industrial complex. His story shows some of what is wrong with American government.
Out of everything Tesla invented, we know of very little. The government came in after his death and literally scooped up all of his life's research.
Among all Tesla's claims, I find his claim to have developed a system to unify physics with a theory of everything the most compelling. I have long
suspected that through the illegal confiscation of works, not just from Tesla, the scientific research conducted by the government, which is rarely if
ever shared with the mainstream scientific community, has been pushed to a cutting edge that is far ahead of academic science. There is some evidence,
although maybe not a whole lot, to suggest that even some of the high-tech UFO's that are constantly being seen is a government project that has been
going on since after WWII.
The government's first scientific breakthroughs after WWII came from the research of German scientists, geniuses like Schauberger, who claimed that
UFO's were in fact developed based off of his work. He actually claimed to have designed the first flying saucer. IF his technology worked, it could
very well have powered UFO's, or what we think of as UFO's today, saucer or cylindrical shaped craft that move in unconventional ways. And the
government's scientific works do not stop at propulsion. There have been a plethora of projects that seem like run of the mill scientific pursuits,
yet they are controlled by the department of defense. Nasa is even controlled by the military. ??? Why?
HAARP is actually controlled by the military as well. In fact, DARPA runs that facility. THAT should cause everyone to feel uneasy. And the technology
that is being used there was originally discovered/invented by Tesla himself. Tesla was convinced that EM radiation could be used as a weapon, and he
claimed to have worked out how to do it. This is what I believe the government was mainly interested in when they seized his life's work. Anyway,
Tesla should be remembered much more than Edison in my opinion. Tesla was a humanitarian scientist, who wanted his discoveries to give the people
things like free wireless electricity. It would have worked to. Think about what that would have meant for our society. Think of that being done
today. Well, it would never be done, simply because the US is a capitalistic economy. Free is not in the vocabulary of anyone who is out to make