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Africa UFO crash -- July 14 -- or satellite fall?

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posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:52 PM

Zimbabwe: UFOs Rattle Villagers
By Michael Chideme, 29 July 2013

VILLAGERS in parts of Mhondoro and Chikomba districts are living in fear following the recent falling of foreign objects in their area.
Police said they were still to ascertain the origin and type of the objects.National police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba said investigations were still in progress.
"Investigations are still going on at the army engineers. We do not have any conclusions yet," she said. [July 18] [July 22] [July 29] [July 29] [July 29]

From: Roberto Labanti Date: Tue Jul 30 2013 - 10:12:41 UTC
The photographed object (first published by "Citizen Journalist" on
July 18), recovered near "Mulota Village 4" (or "Turf Village", as
stated in the July 29 news), Ngezi Mine, Mhondoro, Kadoma District,
Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe, was apparently found Monday July 15 by
some Sylvester Manika, after "strange blast that was followed by a
bang " the day before
[] (a
better description on July 29 news). The Battlefields Police
spokeperson was quoted July 22 stating "this was the third time that
unidentified objects were discovered within a week following other
objects seen in Zvehama Village in Manicaland and in Chikwanha village
in Mashonaland East", two other provinces. On July 18, "Citizien
Journalist" wrote instead that "[he] understands that there are other
fragments that have been spotted in the Mamina area and somewhere
towards Mvuma. These areas fall under Mhondoro"
[] (the
first on Mashonaland West provincie, the second on Midlands one).
July 29 news added that "Two objects landed in the Mhondoro area at
the Zimplats Mine [i.e. the one photographed] and at Denya Village in
Mamina [i.e., the one mentioned by "Citizien Journalist"?] while one
landed in Unyetu in Chikomba district [i.e in Mashonaland East
Province, so that perhaps should be the one identified as Chikwanha
village in the news of 22]. [...] The spherical objects that landed in
Mamina and Unyetu were said to weigh above 10kg."

So we haven't very precise location data, but all findings seem to
have occurred in the days following July 14 and before, perhaps, July
18 or, at least, July 22.

and this explanation suggestion...

From: Jonathan McDowell
Date: Tue Jul 30 2013 - 12:37:48 UTC
It's pretty clear that it was part of object 8133, the Delta second stage
from the
Symphonie 2 launch in 1975.
The TIP message for 8133 says it reentered west of Africa at 0600 Jul 14.
But pushing the final
TLE set ground track forward one can see that it passes directly over the
reported location
of Mhondoro, Zimbwabe at 0612 UTC Jul 14, a plausible distance for the
reentering debris to have travelled.
This is consistent with the reported Jul 14 event date

edit on 31-7-2013 by JimOberg because: typo

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:56 PM
Are you just going to post some data or do you have your own opinion on this?
Any images?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by JimOberg

This reminds me of the Hydrazine Bladder Tanks that were falling in Africa and making news:

Mysterious Metal Space Balls Fall from Sky in Namibia

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:21 PM
I say old rocket booster or space junk, but what do I know...

reply to post by samuel1990

Any images?
edit on 31-7-2013 by tooo many pills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by samuel1990
Are you just going to post some data or do you have your own opinion on this?
Any images?

This is really all I know. We each may see this event in terms of our pre-existing expectations, but that's the charm of ATS. We get surprised.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by tooo many pills

Thanks for the link : )

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by tooo many pills

Very appropriate avatar you have there, tooo many pills.

There's alot of stuff up there waiting to come down.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by JimOberg

I think it is cool that there is substantiated evidence linking the object with a known piece of space junk that was observed and being tracked as such, and noticed to have fallen out of orbit with a time stamp.

Does this mean that there was enough data to have predicted that it would soon de-orbit? or does that data only come once the instrumentation shows it missing? I guess what I am asking, Is the technology getting any better at predicted re-entry, instead of a muffled "Oh-Oh", in the control room?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 01:27 AM
One thing is for sure, that coned tank thing never fell from any was placed there.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by JimOberg

Mmm, I think even Billy Meier would take satellite on this occasion.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by Soloprotocol
One thing is for sure, that coned tank thing never fell from any was placed there.

I agree.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by BullwinkleKicksButt

Originally posted by Soloprotocol
One thing is for sure, that coned tank thing never fell from any was placed there.

I agree.

if you are being so 'sure; because the object is lying atop the hard ground [looks rocky] instead of burrowing into it like Hollywood has conditioned you to expect, this is a teachable moment to dispel your erroneous expectation.

search 'paul maley space debris' to see a collection of photos from all over the world where exactly the same effect has occurred over and over and over again. read why it happens that way.

then realize that your false expectations about space flight, in this case and probably many others, has interfered with your proper assessment of space-related events.

grow wiser.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Soloprotocol

It does seem surprisingly undamaged, but maybe the damage is just not visible in the picture. Perhaps it's on the bottom and/or other side.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Gu1tarJohn
reply to post by Soloprotocol

It does seem surprisingly undamaged, but maybe the damage is just not visible in the picture. Perhaps it's on the bottom and/or other side.

Good observation, especially in that you were 'surprised' by how it looked, when in fact it's TYPICAL of what rocket tankage looks like after reentry and thumpdown.

Without your realizng it, you have been fed on erroneous information about what are 'normal' looking space flight events. This is done innocently and accidentally by a news media that doesn't try hard to get stuff right, just stuff that people EXPECT to see.

The bigger picture deals with what people EXPECT 'space debris' to look like, or moonwlak shadows, or time exposures of shuttle fireball reentries.

Their expectations are often 'surprised', and the first instinct is to suspect the phenomena themselves -- something's not RIGHT, there's an anomaly, it's 'unexplained'.

This is a good case where the attention is focussed on where it belongs -- it's the "expectation" that is not right.

The remedy is reading up on spaceflight and watching real video materials, and it's not hard. It's enlightneing, exciting, and educational -- and it makes future 'expectations' more realistic.

The primary barrier to accomplishing this is not the absence of accurate information -- it can be found.

The barrier is the presence of unrecognized inaccurate information in our minds. It has to be expelled to make room for accurate information.

This is one such opportunity.

Tanks survive entry remarkably well because, first, they are cooled by their remaining contents boiling off, and second, they are slowed quickly because they are big but light. So the heat pulse is brief. Thicker air slows them even more. They then fall at 'terminal velocity', cooling in the air, and hit the ground between 200-300 mph at most. Spherical tanks have enough structural integrity [they were built to hold gas at up to 2000 psi or higher] to barely deform at all. Cylindrical tanks may or may not partially collapse.

That's what should be expected. The posters who candidly described their surprise here have done a service to all readers who were equally puzzled by the condition of the tank in Africa.

This is progress. Well-earned praise.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 04:00 PM
"Police also discovered that the bolts used to fasten the objects are inscribed NAS 13004-41CS."

Unless aliens shop on Earth...

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