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Can ATS still be called a CONSPIRACY site?

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posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:45 AM

Don't mention it ProfEmeritus, as I was at a loss for words.
reply to post by Wildmanimal

You certainly FOUND them. Best to you, too.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 10:20 AM
Does the reality of a conspiracy's existence make it less of a conspiracy? That it isn't secret anymore doesn't render it something less than people conspiring to whatever end is entailed. That proof for it exists doesn't make it less of a conspiratorial agenda.


posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 01:44 PM

Does the reality of a conspiracy's existence make it less of a conspiracy? That it isn't secret anymore doesn't render it something less than people conspiring to whatever end is entailed. That proof for it exists doesn't make it less of a conspiratorial agenda.
reply to post by AceWombat04

Ace, you are absolutely correct. I think I was erroneously considering conspiracy theory, rather than the technical term. In fact, what many conspiracy THEORIES have been proven to be, are now PROVEN conspiracies. Thanks for the slap in the back of the head, a la Leroy Gethro Gibbs.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
I keep saying this again and again,

Before Snowden came out it was common knowledge that "they" were spying on their own citizens. That is what ECHELON was all about, the NSA could not quite legally spy on its own citizens with out a warrant so under the ECHELON agreement they would get GCHQ to spy on Joe the yank and GCHQ would send all the info back to the NSA. It gave them the capability to spy on everyone, including their own citizens.

It just amazes me time and time again that people talk about the revelations about NSA spying.... like they're revelations and they're not. Anyone who has the balls the call themselves a "Conspiracy theorist" should not be talking about Snowden like he is "revealed anything". that big. We have always known that the NSA have had ways of spying on American Citizens, just like we knew before Snowden of the NSA code embedded in window's OS so its not really much of a surprise that others have been in on it as well.

Besides, just because recent revelations (to some) about the NSA have proven that they have indeed been spying on their own citizens only proves one of the millions of conspiracies out there. Unless Snowden has proved all of the other conspiracies out there to be true as well then I dont really see how you can claim ATS is now as site for Conspiracy Fact, rather than Conspiracy theory, just because one (There have been others) of them turned out to be true.

True, true...

See thread: We all knew... Snowden's revelation is really not ATS Link

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 02:32 PM
Some conspiracies have been proven but the more fantastic ones have not. Whatever was not too painful for the system to handle I suppose. The really hardcore conspiracy theorists either got banned or quit from frustration.

Today ATS has become mainstream and the traffic has dropped. I remember simon gray, the founder of ATS, discussing dulce and encouraging people to get involved. Today you cant even discuss the false flag of 9-11 without getting harrased.

I have no problem with new people being skeptical and whatnot, but to see 5 year old members clinging on to mainstream theories and ridiculing the conspiracy theorists annoys me.

In the political boards ALL you see is democrats and republicans going at it. No libertarians, no greens, no constitutionalists, no socialists, nothing.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:23 PM
I've been a lurker of this site for a couple years seems less exciting than before with less conspiracy topics..maybe that's because they are actually not conspiracies..and turning out to be more of FACTS. I would say it's becoming more of a site of unbelievable conspiracies because now a days anyone breathing with a computer can log in and make an account at any age because it seems like we have either a bunch of shills who behave like government agents with very naive comments and pretending to be "dumb" just in order to derail a thread because they're such expert "debunkers" or you have whiny little acting teens who seem to be brain-dead to everything and have the nerve to come on to an intellectual website after they just got off Youtube listening to a Katy Perry song or video. Meanwhile the combination of these massive amounts of ignorant people overshadow the minority of thinkers who are actually trying to really contribute to the site and not destroy it with non-thought, ridicule, and just senseless arguments where the stupid people always win seems to be a disease around here, sorry if i went a little off topic but it's really getting old the kind of I'm right, your wrong, just because I say so, and your not cool enough to be right or whatever, it's a losing battle with these people.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

I thinks it is more of an opinion site. There hasn't been many people talking about conspiracies lately.. just opinions about current events and the off the wall opinionated post.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:56 PM

I have no problem with new people being skeptical and whatnot, but to see 5 year old members clinging on to mainstream theories and ridiculing the conspiracy theorists annoys me.
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Well, this is one 5+ year member that does believe many of the "conspiracy theories" have much truth in them. I do, however have a problem with the reptilian one. That one is even too much for me, I also had a big problem with the Mayan 2012 prediction, not so much because it was a theory, but facts were revealed that proved that the Mayans never predicted the end of the world in 2012. I also feel that discussing the 9/11 theories is rather useless, because if it is true, we will probably never find out anyone. Again, just my opinion, based upon what I have investigated myself.
As theories that I believe have a very good chance of having a great deal of truth:
- UFO/Alien visitations in the past or present- too many responsible people have come forward to support that, to ignore it. In addition, the fact that the MSM is in bed(yes, another theory I support) with the government, means that I believe that "Methinks, the lady doth protest too much".
-The Federal Reserve corruption and links to the rich movers and shakers.
-Government complicity in the economic crash of 2008
-The rigged Insurance industry and political collusion of our "elected officials"
-In summary, just about any conspiracy theory regarding our corrupt government officials. Where there is smoke there is fire, for sure.
-Coming economic collapse of our entire economy. Almost a certainty.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:26 AM
I use information from, and contribute to, ATS discussions because to me, it is a bellweather of the human condition. I know of no other venue where one can truly get a pulse on the issues that concern every one of us as citizens of this Earth.

The content here exposes the best and worst of how people are thinking today, with everything in between. I no more believe in most of the conspiracies exposed here than I am confident that there are not real conspiracies not discussed here yet to be uncovered. There are as many members here that have a real dark and sinister attitude about life in general, as there are truly wonderful, enlightened and gifted people who provide incredible content and thought provoking ideas. Again, with everything in between.

This is a very important web site and to remain valuable, it must have all of these attributes so that people that want to keep a tight grip on reality have the opportunity to read and believe what they want, separate the good from the bad and really understand the issues that face each and every one of us on this planet. So, long live ATS. Indeed, much more than a "Conspiracy" site.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 01:58 PM
Can ATS still be called a CONSPIRACY site?


posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 08:30 PM

I use information from, and contribute to, ATS discussions because to me, it is a bellweather of the human condition. I know of no other venue where one can truly get a pulse on the issues that concern every one of us as citizens of this Earth. The content here exposes the best and worst of how people are thinking today, with everything in between.
reply to post by charlyv

That is an excellent summary of what ATS is all about. KUDOS to you and a star.

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