posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by talklikeapirat
After reading that thread and taking a closer look at the information presented by several members including yourself, saying the original story
isn't true, i searched myself for more information regarding the topic. I came upon the story from my OP and links to the NPEO website(from where the
original images were provided).
I found it 'amazing' or concerning that even with the info provided in the thread of ''Skywatcher2011'' that members seemed to ignore these
posts or maybe just didn't read the information.
Therefore this thread and this is not to brake down the poster of the previous thread, because he just provided what media told. But it's rather to
brake down information from the media and to hopefully prove what i'm pointing out in the OP.
Back on track, it concerns and saddens me everyday how the media is trying and succeeding into playing with information, twisting stories and
convincing the population into their believes just for their benefit or for the ones they are cooperating with.
It's not the first time we see this on the 'global warming topic'. It's not to difficult to see after many years that this issue seems to have
more to do with spreading fear and blaming the population. It seems like it has not much to do anymore with science but has to do with creating some
new sort of religion or control on a global scale. Don't get me wrong on this but 'they' created the word 'global' warming.
That's why, for me, it's not anymore, whether or not global warming is real but rather what are they trying to achieve with it. Not that i don't
care about nature and it's future, far from, most of my time i spend in nature, traveling the world to experience it's beauty. It would be sad to
see this gone, for me, my children and the next generation. By travelling you learn a lot about nature, but also about the world. After months without
television, radio or internet you come home and a few days later you put on the television, your eyes will open.
I was hoping to see what other may think of this. Is there something beyond the global warming issue, that they aren't telling us? Is there a hidden
agenda involved?