posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:45 PM
Hello all.
Could anyone provide some help on getting the fronts wheels off a Rover Rancher ride on mower i'm restoring i thought all i needed to do to get the
front wheels off is remove the nuts holding the wheels to the front axle the wheel's bearing type appears to be a sealed roller bear so i should be
able to pull the wheels off easily but they don't.
The model is a Rover Rancher model 27189 with a 15.5 hp Briggs and Stratton Vanguard engine and it was made in Australia.
So any advice would be really appreciated!
edit on 26-7-2013 by Conspiracyskeptic because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-7-2013 by Conspiracyskeptic because: (no reason
edit on 26-7-2013 by Conspiracyskeptic because: Adding details
edit on 26-7-2013 by Conspiracyskeptic because:
Adding details