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College Republicans Denied Admittance to Obama Speech

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posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:33 AM

President Obama was bound to receive a warm response from the audience attending his speech at the University of Central Missouri yesterday — because some students who disagreed with him weren’t allowed into the building.

Christopher White of The College Fix reports that students wearing “Tea Party T-Shirts and others who wore patriotic or Republican-inspired clothing” were turned away at the door under the guise of security concerns, despite the fact that they held tickets to the event.

In light of all the "phoney", cough, scandals lately and in light of how the Obama administration is infringing on Americans rights,


posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:35 AM

A group of college republicans say they were denied entry into President Obama’s speech at the University of Central Missouri on Wednesday for security reasons.

Missouri College Republicans State Treasurer Courtney Scott told Campus Reform on Thursday that an unidentified police officer told the group they were barred from the event for “security reasons and for the president’s protection.”

“You will not be allowed any further,” the officer allegedly told the group of six College Republicans, dressed in republican and tea party clothing, as they attempted to enter the event.

Scott said each member of the group had a ticket to enter the event and that they arrived early complying with all rules.

“Obama was scheduled to speak at around 4 p.m., so around 3:30 pm we gathered our stuff up,” said Scott. “They had announced that there were to be no posters or anything so we dropped our stuff off. We were not carrying anything. We followed all the rules.”

Scott said the officer’s reasoning for stopping them seemed a bit odd.

We all know the fix is in.
The deck is stacked.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:14 AM
I hate to disagree and I'm sorry you ended up the one catching this...but it's political B.S. and a stupid stunt to bash Obama. Simple as that. How would I know to say such a thing? Well, very simple. My folks stood in line for over 3 hours to see Bush in Missouri here in 2004. While standing there, they watched everyone with a political message shirt turned away and told to leave the property. Not change shirts. Leave and do not return.

It really stands out because they were absolutely furious over several things (3 hours in line to watch hundreds of 'supporters' get walked right past everyone just before all those who had waited got to START entering, was another). The T-shirt thing though? That really stuck with them. So I was surprised to hear an Obama rally did the very same thing.

I'm thinking, by the fact it's now happened here for both a Bush and Obama rally, this is security policy and nothing the Candidates/Politicians control, care about or perhaps, even know about until/unless it becomes news like this.

* This did make pretty wide news in Missouri too ...and not a peep about the fact Bush's security did the exact same thing. Even here, in the city it happened in.
edit on 26-7-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

OH I think both sides really only want supporters allowed, it makes for better propaganda, and I think they worry about heckling.

I still don't think it is right.

edit on 113131p://bFriday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Prior to his full ascension to power, Hitler's Nazi party security personnel would block attendees to speeches and rallies based on things like a person's religion and/or culture and dress style. They basically passed judgement on you by eyesight alone... and chances are if you were indeed blocked at some point, you may have ended life going up a camp chimney somewhere later.

I used to half-embrace the old, 'it can't happen here' concept because no matter how bad any of the political slants were, none were ready to turn the US into a police state.

The times, they are a changing... just as they have already changed.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by redoubt
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Prior to his full ascension to power, Hitler's Nazi party security personnel would block attendees to speeches and rallies based on things like a person's religion and/or culture and dress style. They basically passed judgement on you by eyesight alone... and chances are if you were indeed blocked at some point, you may have ended life going up a camp chimney somewhere later.

I used to half-embrace the old, 'it can't happen here' concept because no matter how bad any of the political slants were, none were ready to turn the US into a police state.

The times, they are a changing... just as they have already changed.

I didn't know that, about the nazi party, I recently posted a you-tube somewhere, lol, that said things began to go down hill in 1913, I should start a topic on that video.

We borrowed a lot from Hitlers philosophy, who was a fan of Darwin, it is a convoluted mess.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Germany was in one helluva mess when Hitler began his move... the Great Depression tied in with the Treaty of Versailles left Germany in wretched condition. From there, it was only a matter of time before radicals began seeing mainstream, recognition.

Hitler had his beliefs, so did Himmler and Goebbels and all the rest... some were crazier than others. When mixed together, it created a sort of hell on Earth for millions.

We should NOT let that happen again, no matter by who or what country... in my ever so humble opinion, that is

edit on 26-7-2013 by redoubt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:44 AM
Existing thread, here:

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