posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 02:40 AM
We have a government which serves Him who sits on the throne.
He who warned all of us that our own iniquities get poured back straight upon our heads. Let me give a few modern day examples.
1.Laws are for the disobedient.
How does a government get the people to give them the power to start passing law after law? By teaching the populace to act disobediently. When
society is orderly and produces the fruit of the Holy Spirit - patience, kindness, long suffering, peace, love etc - there are not many laws needed in
an attempt to regulate behaviour.
2. Increase of police and the militarisation of police.
An orderly society largely in Christ produces the fruit of the Holy Spirit. A city needs but a handful of police. But as people are swayed to reject
true faith and instead drink from the media pulpit, behaviour is changed. The behaviour produced from the desires of the flesh does the
consequence. Get enough hooked on the drugs which are allowed to swamp our streets and be glorified in the media pulpit and soon the government is
pleaded with to increase its police to deal with the thefts, murders and what not in an attempt to "deal with" the consequences. Teach children
disrespect of authority and we get gangs of kids roaming the street smashing things, terrorising the innocent, flipping of the police etc. the
citizens then demand more laws and police. Glamourise violence and guns and make them easily accessible, then the resulting murders and mayhem drive
the citizens to demand, and allow, the government to militarise police. This then produces a hardened police and hardened lawkeepers into power.
There is an end. It's called tyranny because the people demanded peace and security through laws. We gave them the power. We, like those in Judea,
nearly have a Sanhedrin. The world is going to get it because we don't know or understand that we were overcome.
Our own behaviours and rejection of the gospel, the power of God unto salvation, has produced this point in time. A population taught to rush headlong
into fulfilling every desire and lust of the flesh has given us thousands and thousands of laws becoming more and more oppressive, regulating early
every hour of the day. Likewise, the consequences of choosing that path have blinded us to the reality that it has encouraged liars and those who love
power over men to creep into office. Who allows the media to preach daily an anti-Christ gospel of violence, hate, bloodlust, fantasy and eastern
religion? The government knowing full well the outcome. Who allows drugs to swamp our land? The government knowing full well the outcome. This is why
we have no leaders that ever address the cause of crime in this country, but instead are happy to keep passing more and more of what they want - laws.
Who forces all children to attend school so that their minds are filled with the very 'knowledge' which 'proves' to them that there is no
Creation? The government who understand the consequences.
At the end of the day, we were overcome exactly how the Bible says that we would be. We have the government which we demanded and now that the
powerful mighty men are in - we get tyranny. The citizens do not understand that we were overcome by those whose statues, idols and occult phalluses
decorate our big cities - Freemasons. Each and every time one of them preaches, they preach and appeal to the flesh. They aren't called Judaism for
Gentiles for nothing. Like their fathers, their world is control over men and approval from men. They get none of that from a population in Christ.
They get both from a population in Adam.
What is it called, OP? The beast. The world worships it. It rejects the order and peace of having God Almighty as its King and Lord and the things
that stem from it - love, patience, choosing of life over death, kindness, mercy, truth tellers - and the resulting consequences, unlocked doors, no
crime, neighbourliness, no envy, no greed, no murder. But instead we have chosen the opposite and still look to man as if he is capable of being our