posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 03:33 PM
Hello all!
My name is Jason and as the title may suggest, I hail from the darkest depths of Essex in England. I've joined up here because I was getting as fed
up with a lot of the alternative news sites as I was mainstream news.
I understand a lot of the news on the forum is obviously filtered through and discussed a lot so I can gauge more peoples opinions here rather than
simply being told I'm wrong for not accepting >insert information messiah here< says is the case.
I'm a Pagan and an Englishman, I enjoy being left alone and hate the world that we have come to live in with the constant rules and regulations.
I'm into all sorts of stuff from space, airsoft, survival skills, technology, occultism, so hopefully I have something to add to the community.
I do also write my own blog, but I generally like to piece my articles together over the course of a month or so by validating news stories so that I
can write big essays that can be shown to people (mostly friends of mine) who literally know nothing about what is going on in the world. I've been
told I can be quite informative, so some of you may find it interesting.