posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:23 PM
Let me start this off by saying that i hardly ever dream, so the fact that I have has dreams all this week is quite unusual in and of itself.
Over the past week, I have had dreams every night of ex-girlfriends, and close female friends, and in them, they are all seeming to be competing for
my attention. They really aren't fighting or anything of that nature, but coming around quite often. Every night, it seems to "feature" 2 - 3
different ex's, but I don't seem to remember the details, only who it was, and fleeting "snapshots" of the dreams.
It concerns me because its making me depressed, and I would like to find out what these dreams mean. I have tried to look up online what they may
mean, but none of the descriptions seem to fit. The only thing that seems the happen is that several seem to come calling for attention.
A little further background information: I have been on vacation, at my parents house, which is 5 hours away from where I live, but the house they
currently live in is not the one I grew up in.
I am wondering if maybe in some way, my dreams are expressing my wish to be desired by the opposite sex, or perhaps I should be more social? I tend to
work alot and not go out very much to meet new people, and I haven't really had a significant other in over a year, but it hasn't really bothered me
up until now.
Can someone please help me find out why I am having these dreams? They ex's are from all periods of my life and not really a specific time period.