Im going to be lazy when i do this,
i will post what i put up exactly on my facebook, i will then post the comment of two of my friends who are in agreement,
It’s that time again where I need to rant about current events
For those not aware, the UK government will be pushing for an Opt in scheme in relation to porn on the internet, first I will highlight the views of
the "pro opt" people, then then numerous negatives, finally the question will be posed, what next?
Pro Opt in -
there is the felling which i have read through today that this will prevent children from having access to porn, this has been argued as a good thing
as "certain boys now expect too much in the bedroom" and "I can’t stop my kids from looking at porn on the computer" the general view is the
government is doing this for the good of the children and as such should be commended....
Negative points -
first, if using currently technology readily available in either your operating system or you router, even going as far as to purchase a third party
application which either blocks or monitors usage is either not being used by the parents or they do not understand it, this block will do nothing,
there are numerous work arounds already in place for torrenting, hoping someone else will monitor your kids because you are too lazy to learn is a
terrible attitude to have.
That brings me on to torrenting, you can easily gain access to porn via torrent websites, and we need to presume if the children in question are able
to actively search and find porn they will have no problem search torrent websites and finding porn.
Secure networking, for this to work we must then presume there will be either fines or strict government policy on Wi-Fi in the UK as an unsecured
Wi-Fi will be an easy access to every child in the street to access the internet and thus porn.
If a child can get access to the porn does that not leave an open market for them to trade in porn now, I imagine 15 year olds who do not have access
will pay and swap for stuff on usb sticks from those more savvy to access the sites..
then we have the misconceived view this will reduce child pornography, it hurts me to see the great unwashed believe the red topped tabloids when they
think virgin media and sky blocking porn sites will stop guys who have dedicated proxies and servers, essentially a secondary version of the internet
(for lack of a better description) where they can access and trade out with the control of the government… there will be no change in it as this
will cause no difference to that level and form of usage.
So that brings us to why?
As the government have made this an - opt in for pornography option, will this mean there will a big list of “deviants” kept somewhere?
Is this the government testing the water?
If this is accepted by the great unwashed shall we see music\religions\political opposition’s websites be deemed as corrupting the young? Where
will that line of thought end? i vist the odd conspiracy website, does this mean those sites should be ban due to political views of some, religous
agenda's etc.?
This is an issue that needs to be monitored by the public, this is your ability to access what you choose, your ability to be a good parent, your
ability to have a choice on controlling content as you see fit….
but its ok Joe public… watch the cute baby
Friend 1 -
Very well put Paul. This is possibly the first step in a slippery slope, what next? Censorship should lie with the individual. Educate people and let
them make an informed choice on what is appropriate for them and their children. I suspect the police will discover they have been living in a golden
age where a digital foot print has allowed them to catch many offenders. However, much like pre Internet this will push this activity further
underground making it difficult to prove as a cache of nasty photos might not be sitting on a hard drive anymore.
Discovering pornography is almost a rite of passage for some young people and a natural part of our early curiosity about sex. Watching porn doesn't
make you anymore of a deviant than listening to rock music, reading comics and a host of other mundane hobbies than have all been labelled as causing
criminal behaviour at some point in the past.
Our freedoms and free choice are slowly being eroded. Do we not invade other countries to prevent citizens living with oppressive governments?
Friend 2 -
I didn't know about this but to me it's just another example of the Government (or more likely the corporations behind the Government) taking away
more of our personal freedoms and the more we give, the more they will ask for...we don't need a nanny nation!!!! We are capable of making our own
decisions or we're going to end up living out the plot line of Idiocracy! I pretty much hate any across the board bans on anything - we're supposed
to be free. We have common sense and our own values and I'm sooo sick of politicians, the CEO's paying them and whoever else trying to interfere in
what we're "allowed" to do or not do.... herding us like cattle into thinking we're doing it because we want to and it's best for us.. and all
under the guise of "protecting our children" or "protecting us from terrorists" or whatever else.... whilst they take take take away our rights.
Makes me so mad!!!! It's not even about's about freedom to make your own choices as a liberated human being. Laws should benefit ALL and
there should be public consensus and the true facts and proper discussions and cases should be put forward.... but how is that possible when our media
is owned by a few corporations and our government funds some our TV stations and we're being bombarded with horror stories making us all terrified
and almost thankful that they're doing something about all of these daily tragedies..... f*cking arghhh. Won't stop people anyway. There's always
Tor and dedicated servers and torrents and newsgroups.....people will find a way. The internet is one of the last free places in this sickening joke
of a society and they're slowly trying to take it away inch by inch and control what we're allowed to see and read...easier for us to continue being
mindless drones that work for a living to make other people rich. Life doesn't have to be like this...there are other systems, other ideas, other
ways of running a society....people need to start thinking for themselves. OK rant over!!! ps. I agree.... this is a bad idea and will only lead to
more bad ideas and bans. They'll deffo keep a list of Opt-Ins and it will be mentioned whenever any of them commit any crime. "Porn addict rapes
baby" or other headline shockers until they can start all out banning whole categories and controlling the internet like they try and do in China and
so on and they'll even have public support after their aforementioned 'PR' campaign to get everyone on side. Protect children... vote for safety...
Sometimes the best things in life are to find out your friends are switched on too
gives me hope somtimes
(might need to drag them both here)