posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 09:01 PM
Over here in the UK Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo the guy who killed Lee Rigby in May has been restrained by prison staff and had a few
teeth knocked out.
Five members of staff involved have been suspended following the incident and POA chairman Peter McParlin (prison officer head dude) He said that,
although restraint techniques were designed to minimise injuries to staff and prisoners, "sometimes there are unforeseen consequences in any violent
Now I have worked in an environment where C&R was needed day to day and unfortunately things can go a bit wrong and people do get hurt.
The reason for this rant is the guy killed an off duty soldier in the street in broad daylight in front of the general public..he will use this for
his own ends grrrr
I think every person in the UK has read about this and thought "good" I know I have.
I hope the cctv that they have show that this scumbag kicked off and needed restraining and I hope the prison guards enjoy their time off and get
I bet Lee Rigbys widow wants to do more than knock a few teeth out from this guys face.
Anyhow It has just made me mad.