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God is STILL HERE. He has no reason to leave.

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posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 06:15 PM
... One has to be willing to believe that the 1st century Christian apostles or Mohammed or Guru Nanak or Joseph Smith or whoever WAS THE FINAL PROPHET.

... But for those of Faith in Charismatic, Apostolic, Anabaptist, Jewish Reconstructionist MOVEMENTS, there is NO FINAL PROPHET.

... The prophet Joel says: "And after that it must occur that I shall pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will certainly prophesy. As for your old men, dreams they will dream. As for your young men, visions they will see. And even on the men-servants and on the maidservants in those days I shall pour out my spirit. And I will give portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke." Etc. Joel Chapter Two

... And so, for some of us, there is NO REASON to believe God is not with us, and there is NO final prophet. God still lives, and He can still express Himself and His Will.

... For us who have been on the Internet for sometime and have seen the STS-80 filmstrip by NASA near Jupiter, we know that area of our solar system is inhabited by "Lights" that flit here and there. ... Moreover, we have seen and some of us have photographed "flitting Lights" right here where we are.

... Not all intelligent Life is made up of physical bodies as we are. That is quite evident. Thus, "God" doesn't have to have a physical body like you or me. He doesn't have to travel in a spacecraft, as we do. He doesn't eat groceries, as we do. And He most certainly generates His Own Energies.

... When I am in prayer, I sense Him. Others do too. So, the churches that teach God as a remote abstraction are merely showing how they have distanced THEMSELVES from their own Father/Source/Progenitor.

... Life comes from other Life; that's the ONLY WAY it works. We are children of Life Out There. Let's be glad we're not alone. That means, this whole mess will get cleaned up; and it also means, we must do our part to disseminate the Truth.

... The Truth is the ONLY TOOL WE HAVE to identify and solve the problems that Evil has created in our Midst. God wants us to stick with the Truth, because He sticks with the Truth of DNA, the Truth of photosynthesis, the Truth of Gravity; the Truth of tonal harmonics. He is in harmony with the Truth; and so we have to be also.

... And so it is.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 07:02 PM
Quite an interesting religious philosophy you got there

So, if I understand it correctly, God is still speaking to us and anyone can receive that word. Also he manifests himself through "phenomena" we still can't explain.

What about devil? Does he live among us too?

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 08:31 PM
There are enough devils around, it's hard to know which Slanderer, Usurper or Deceiver is in charge.

I don't know about Satan these days. I met him once and he was silent as a stone. I don't think it's fun anymore.

But, that's just an impression.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 10:22 PM
I agree, this is an interesting spiritual philosophy you have. I think I will bookmark this thread and re-read it later to make further posts. If you can, expand on your thoughts more - if you will.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Emily_Cragg
There are enough devils around, it's hard to know which Slanderer, Usurper or Deceiver is in charge.

I don't know about Satan these days. I met him once and he was silent as a stone. I don't think it's fun anymore.

But, that's just an impression.

He's still here. Met three times, unfortunately for me he was not silent. It was un-mistakable from his other crew.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 10:34 AM

We still have to deal with him for a while. He is busy culling our planet's population right now.

The question is: Can we stay out of his way, so we can watch the whole drama play out and get to the Light at the end of the Tunnel?

[Shrug.] Prayer seems to help alot, in the short- and long-runs.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 12:16 PM
Sorry Emily, just trying to help.

Agreed with your statement on praying.

Can I ask though why Jesus isn't considered more than a prophet? And also why there would be no more prophesies if you believe in Jesus?

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 12:21 PM
Wow, very powerful insight there, I got wave after wave of sensations when I read that post. You know that "goose bump/ energy feeling".

This is when I know something is very close to what we are to understand as the "truth".

Very nice post.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 12:40 PM
The human body feeds on energy to survived so we all need that energy it will be very easy to imagine ourself with not human body, been like a sphere of light, we are drawn to others by that energy.

I have been very close to that supreme energy that relgious believers call god, I call it my creator, and even when I believe in it and I have felt its energy when I meditate, I feel that I don't need a church or a middle man to experiences its presence.

Anybody can comunicate with the creator anytime and it does not need a person in a church telling how to do it or how he should do it just becase they call themself preacher or ministers and thruogh them is the only way to reach it. That is a lie.

We are part of it and we can reached it anytime we want to because it is part of us also.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 04:42 PM

The human body feeds on energy to survived so we all need that energy it will be very easy to imagine ourself with not human body, been like a sphere of light, we are drawn to others by that energy.

I have been very close to that supreme energy that relgious believers call god, I call it my creator, and even when I believe in it and I have felt its energy when I meditate, I feel that I don't need a church or a middle man to experiences its presence.

Anybody can comunicate with the creator anytime and it does not need a person in a church telling how to do it or how he should do it just becase they call themself preacher or ministers and thruogh them is the only way to reach it. That is a lie.

We are part of it and we can reached it anytime we want to because it is part of us also.

If I was a strong Christian I would say that you are part of the global group of people that try to drive people away with this new age light-entities mumbo-jumbo. I've seen many other sites that your kind of people are attacking, should I say spamming, with a large number of messages considering light entities, the creator, flower power and all that jazz.

Actually, I am more concerned with your type than any other. You are the false prophet! Jesus and the Bible never told anything like your words.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by masterp

Actually, I am more concerned with your type than any other. You are the false prophet! Jesus and the Bible never told anything like your words.

You don't know my type and you don't know what experiences in my life has taking me to this beleive I suggests that you target somebody else, I don't know what in the heck you are talking about and I suggest that you research more before coming to conclutions about me.

You call yourself a non strong chirstian at least I have a believe because I have experince it, obviously you have nothing but nonsense.

How pitiful to find people like you that want to discredit others because they can not enjoy what others enjoy perhaps you need to open your mind and find it inside you.

Denied Ignorance, just because you are blind does not mean others has not seen the beauty of our creator or God.

[edit on 10-11-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 09:35 PM
What the "Independents" and the "New Agers" don't understand is that the Creator of our particular strain of DNA operates by Covenants--consented to agreements between Himself and humans.

Outside of a Covenant, a person at death reverts to non-physicality with no memory of the experience.

The whole matter of "Salvation" has to do with getting your memories stored so you don't have to begin all over again, next time. Yeah. Salvation is saving your memories; saving the FILE.

But only individuals who accept and operate by one of YHVH/Yeshua's Covenants at work right now--Judaism [by the Law] and Christianity [by Grace of Jesus' Redemption]--only those individuals are connected enough to YHVH [OUR DNA-Creator] to actually have their memories retained.

My mother was big on astrology; and she also was an intuitive; and she told me endless stories how members of the family had returned and returned and returned, but each time they began again because they were not part of either Covenant.

She didn't mind losing it all. I would. So, I stick close to the Covenants, whatever the cost, whatever the outcome.

BTW, whether YHVH created ALL DNA-strains, I cannot say. But since His thoughts dominate all creation, I sort of expect He did. But that's my hunch.

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