Originally posted by jiggerj
You are correct. It is a dog eat dog world, but it's not supposed to be that way. Our government has been meddling in world affairs since before WWI.
Where can we look in this world where we can say, We made things better? There's still war. There's still tyranny. There's still hunger. We need to
let the world grow up on its own
Prior to George Bush Sr, the US meddling with the world was an overall good thing, except for Vietnam. The net benefit of meddling was good.
However, Vietnam was the "negative" part of US meddling prior to George Bush. And the movement that cause the US to get out of Vietnam, also
created a big emptiness in many Americans. This emptiness, can be seen through movies like Rambo ... the dream of going around and kill all your
enemies. The idiot thinking, that all your enemies are evil, and have 666 on their forheads. Naive thinking in general. There was a geniune good
era, prior to George Bush ... one that caused great many advances, and created people like Bill Gat, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Chuck Pebbles, etc.
People that could create things, and did not have their minds full of hate all the time.
But in the background, you had the Rambos. The people that were watching in the background, and hated it all because they lost vietnam. They did not
see that their actions, of murdering women and children was wrong. They saw, the terrible horror of having journalists with the army, people who then
would report all the horrors, that the Rambos committed. People like Colin Powell, were taken seriously ... because his "blackness" made people
believe he was not committing perjury ... even if he was. Just like Obama, being colored is not a directive that says you'll act differently.
And that's what happened with George Bush senior ... he put the Rambos back in power. And now, we are living 1984 ... and its gonna get worse.
All the horrors of Stephen King books, is going to come through ... and if we don't keep a watching eye out, the lack of food and population increase
in the future, is not going to merely put rats in our food, but probably even some soilent green as well.
Snowden is a wake up call