posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by TheScion
Welcome to your new ATS Member's Account and you place in the ATS Membership Community!
I am sure many people like ATS and decide to join so they can share their experiences. Many of them will try to turn the introduction thread into a
thread for their experiences. This is a mistake, as ATS structure works well for new members.
The ATS set-up provides a way to make sure the members have used an active account long enough to understand the basics of the T&C and how to properly
generate a good, coherent thread. This is beneficial, because it also provides an opportunity for new members to learn how to create a thread that
allows for better descriptive articulation.
Building a good thread that gets your message out there, in a way others can really understand, presents you with the highest likely-hood of
receiving meanigful response and feedback to your first thread.
My advice would be to take this time to visit some current threads that interest you and, if you want to add something meaningful, create your reply.
There's no real need to rush around to 50 different threads, throwing meaningless posts on the walls, just so you can create a general forums thread
to showcase your experiences.
For most people, the information they would like to share did not happen moments before they created their new ATS account. Most experiences have
happened weeks, months, and sometimes years, before a member opens their ATS account, this is why there is no need to rush. Take your time, your
experiences will still be new to all of us tomorrow!
Again, Welcome to ATS! Hope to see your threads and posts soon!