I know exactly what you are talking about, and imo if that pyramid was build with the same angles as the great pyramid of Giza, but at a smaller scale
of course, it would explain the experiences you had while living in it.
When I was still in high school in South Florida I was also very interested in the pyramids, and about the claims that it affects people. Back then I
used to read a lot, much more than I do now, and would read books from the library dealing with the subject, among many other subjects. I even came
up with the equations for building it with the same specifications as the great pyramid of Giza was built. This was back around 1990.
Anyway, one day I decided to build a small scale pyramid made out of wood (with no nails and nothing metal in it), with the same angles as the great
pyramid of Giza, but at a scale that would fit in my small room meanwhile allowing me to meditate and sleep inside of it.
My decision was to build it in a way that it could be easily put up and dismantled without any need for glues, nails or anything else that would allow
the pyramid to be set up without anything but the perfect angles holding it up. BTW, it was just a frame, there were no walls in that pyramid. I had
no idea what was in store.
The first day or two nothing happened but eventually as I kept meditating inside the pyramid strange things would happen, I would hear my name being
called "clearly". Sometimes the voice sounded like my mother while at other times it was a voice I did not recognize. I would hear noises as if
someone was knocking on my bedroom door, etc, and when I would check there was no one else at home at the time.
The experiences escalated the more I meditated and slept in it. At that time my best friend, who is like a brother to me, was thrown from his house
by his step-mom and had nowhere to live, and although my family and I were not rich we welcomed him in our home.
He had to sleep in my room in another mattress, he and I had to sleep in just mattresses with no bed that's how poor my parents and I were. Anyway I
am explaining this because one day he told me that I kept waking him up because I kept talking in some strange language while in my sleep inside the
wooden pyramid. This was of course strange, and he just told me that it wasn't English, it wasn't Spanish nor Portuguese, the three languages I know
how to speak and understand clearly.
IMO he was a bit creeped out although he would not acknowledge it, but according to him every night I would wake him up speaking in whatever language
I was talking. A couple months later he moved to his own apartment and I kept on going with my experiment of sleeping and meditating inside the
wooden pyramid. The more time I spent in the wooden pyramid, the more strange things would happen.
It came to a point that strange physical manifestations began to happen not only in my room, but in the entire apartment. Anyway, my father was
talking to me one day in my room while the pyramid was up and suddenly we both saw and heard how the AC, which was one of those units you had to
manually turn on and off, clicked on by itself. In order for that AC unit to turn on there was a need of quite some force to turn on or off. Other
things would happen like the tv would turn on and off by itself frequently.
What really creeped me out (like nothing else that happened would creep me out
) is that right outside of my bedroom door in our old apartment
we used to have a map of Florida which was made out of glued sand with different colors delineating the different sections of the state of Florida,
and one day while meditating inside the pyramid I started hearing a scratching noise. There was no one else in the apartment.
At first I had no idea where it was coming from, but the scratching continued and continued happening so I decided to try to find out where it was
coming from, the noise led me outside my room and right to the map, and saw as some invisible hand, or whatever it was, was tracing marks as if
someone was scratching with their fingernails, or whatever it was, the entire map of Florida. That was it for me and decided to put the pyramid down
and never to put it back up.
Another thing I did notice is that sleeping and meditating inside the pyramid did increase my psychic abilities and intuition.
Once it was down permanently the manifestations slowly decreased until they stopped completely. However, it does have a lasting effect on psychic
Anyway, imo pyramids made with the same specifications as the great pyramid of Giza have these effects on us because the geometry of the pyramids
attract some sort of energy that allows us to tap to the other side, hence why you can hear otherworldly voices and strange things would happen inside
such pyramids. Also imo this is very dangerous because although I am not entirely sure there is a possibility that non-human entities, possibly evil,
can also manifest themselves through the pyramids.
edit on 19-7-2013 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)