reply to post by EL1A5
I too have had the vivid dreams with her but not only does she try to sit behind me she will sit close to me at times, trying not to scare me. (I
think). I have talked to a few professionals about her over the year and they seem to think and maybe see her presence of someone from a long time
ago. Because of certain visitations, I was scared of the dark until the age of 27. At that time I filed a divorce from my first wife and drank a lot
of alcohol after six months.
The partying with guest and beer made me pass out, so I couldn't give a crap about the dark.
I moved in an 18 year old roommate and his girlfriend. I usually got my son on weekends and was a good father with joint custody.
When we had guest over during the week and partied, the ghost keep on opening the back door to let the smoke and noise out. Everyone was scarred of
her but me. My Siberian Husky's and cats would try to eat through the house to get out.
When I would work on my dissertation paper for graduate school in the living room, all of the sudden the room would fill with a wonderful perfume. If
my ex came over a smell I don't want to mention here would fill the house.
My second wife was 18 and whatever was in my presence supposedly called her a Bit@h. It hatted her and we were pretty much split up and moved out
within 6 months.
We still dated so we got a townhouse closer two the city. I started acting weird like I knew this ghost was with me. I had an antique tub and I would
take a long bath a drink a few beers before work. I had to be at work at 7pm. This spirit loved my job because of the overwhelming joy or presence of
safety I had with her. Many girls thought they saw someone, a female, follow inn. I was a manager at a local strip club.
Since leaving that lifestyle and moving, my current wife has awaken at night to see a woman sitting beside my side of the bed, appearing to have a
hand on my side happily.
I know this woman speaks a foreign language. I have taken 4 years of spanish and french, italian and german throughout my years to some sort of
I have an obsession with people from other countries. I especially have a deep connection to the Spanish, Italian and German cultures.
With my current wife, she will testify about being physically assaulted by this possible entity. She was grabbed by the head and thrown down on the
porch, she almost lost her leg from it getting stuck.
She also lost it one night when a black mass on the ceiling entered at the top of the door and went across the ceiling. I was not scarred but at such
excitement I could not believe it.
I do not know who this woman is but it can't be one of many close female and males friends of mine that died. She has been with me since as young as
we can figure.
I know sometimes she can be demanding because she can manipulate me into rebeling or chaos. With complete protection of course.
I really do not know what else to say now because I feel I am dragging this out. I do have medical proof though of a medical phenomenon. I had a L-4,
L-5 fusion with tons of cages, rods screws and bone graft in 2006. I visited my stepson in 2011 and my wife took a picture of me with my back
partially to the camera. I had a small back brace on and in the picture, where one of many scars where from my surgery was a perfect round white
partially orb.
I went to my surgeon for a yearly CT and MRI and they put it in my record that there was a medical phenomenon.
The fusion was not showing but an unexplained gas or material unknown to them where my fusion was supposed to be fused.
They do not know what it was but naturally want to go back in there and figure it out and maybe refuse it. I said no so far.