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Is This The Catalyst For MARTIAL LAW?

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posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 10:18 PM
How soon before this situation becomes so out of control that there is a need to instigate MARTIAL LAW?

The Black people threatened to start riots over a non-guilty verdict...they have done that...they have placed a bounty on Zimmerman....they have repeatedly threatened more violence on "WHITEY", like every white person is responsible for the behavior of other "WHITE PEOPLE"...are we as white people supposed to treat all black people like crazy scumbag murders?

Zimmerman was found not guilty because the evidence did not support a guilty verdict.

Does anyone remember the hideous crime OJ Simpson committed? Did white people call for riots when he got off? We all knew he was guilty of that and yet we managed to not tear the cities apart and go around threatening every black person for OJ's crime of passion.

The fact a young man with questionable character was shot because he attacked a Community Watch Volunteer that was curious to know why he was there, instead of explaining in a calm rational manner that his girlfriend's father lived there, sure Zimmerman was advised to wait for the police, but advising him that was for his own safety. He felt a greater responsibility to his community to maintain visual on the person that was suspicious in his behavior.

Race was not determined until an altercation took place. There was no hate crime involved here, there was no crime of passion, there was no intent on his part to seek Martin out....he wasn't stalking him....he wasn't in a Black neighborhood looking for someone to kill...he was protecting his community from crime.

Was Martin cruising the neighborhood? Who knows what his intent was, but he did not live there and he did nothing to keep this from escalating.

Still doesn't give black people carte` blanche` to have open season on "WHITEY".

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 10:23 PM
This has nothing to do with race, its about law that makes no sense.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by LevelEleven
This has nothing to do with race, its about law that makes no sense.

It makes no sense until you're fighting for your life buddy.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by LevelEleven

No, it's about denying people the basic human right of self defense, all the while pretending that martin had that right, but Zimmerman didn't. Complain, and soon you won't be allowed, legally, to defend yourself against an assailant of a certain color.

The OP is correct.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by soulpowertothendegree

The Black people threatened to start riots over a non-guilty verdict...they have done that...they have placed a bounty on Zimmerman....they have repeatedly threatened more violence on "WHITEY", like every white person is responsible for the behavior of other "WHITE PEOPLE"...are we as white people supposed to treat all black people like crazy scumbag murders?

This has to be put into perspective... there are tens of millions of blacks in America. Only a fractional few have done anything actually unlawful, or threatened to do so.

I went out today, to a Lowes... there were whites and blacks all over the place. Didnt see one gun fight break out, no beatings, not even any foul words.

I didnt hear anything about any trial, or any "trayvon", or any "zimmerman", nothing.

Where these things, like beatings and threats, are coming from are very isolated places. They ARE happening, but they arnt happening whatsoever across the country, or in any large volume.

So, no, this is NOT a catalyst for martial law.

Neither is it a catalyst for any "race wars" nonsense.

Violence is happening, but its being blown out of proportion big time by people who want to start something bigger, and those who are not putting the events into the proper perspective.

Originally posted by soulpowertothendegree

Still doesn't give black people carte` blanche` to have open season on "WHITEY".

Thats just not happening though in any other place other than perhaps your mind, ie, large scale offensives by blacks against whites because of this case. No offense intended.

You and others need to put things into a realistic perspective.

Also, its been, what, 3 days or something since the verdict? Pandemonium has yet to break out, and if it hasnt happened by now, its simply not going to ever. If the theory had steam and momentum behind it, it would have already manifested into a reality.

It hasnt.

And its not going to.

edit on 7/16/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Oh behalf of spelling and grammar police everywhere, I would like to thank you for the correct spelling of martial law, as opposed to the common mistake seen here of marshall law.

My opinion on this is: no, because I don't think the unrest will be widespread enough. Even if certain cities were placed under martial law, which I think is unlikely, it would be just that, certain cities...not all.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by CaticusMaximus
Where these things, like beatings and threats, are coming from are very isolated places. They ARE happening, but they arnt happening whatsoever across the country, or in any large volume.

So, no, this is NOT a catalyst for martial law.

Neither is it a catalyst for any "race wars" nonsense.

Before you go any farther, maybe you should become aware. This is a link to one story, but the page also contains a LOT of links along the right side, of incidents all over the country. Most of these never make national news. Check them out. Learn.

link - be sure to check the list on the right

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:44 PM

That was a white woman attacking musician Lester Chambers on stage during the performance of his tribute to Trayvon.
It's not just one race starting to act up now. The ripple effect is spreading throughout. IMO, this is exactly the kind of backlash that was intended from the beginning. If this does keep up, tempers continue to flare, and the "eye for an eye" mentality becomes more prevalent, then a semi police state can't be too far off on the horizon. People stop the madness!!

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:00 AM
If any court ruling that had far-reaching effects was going to be a catalyst for martial law, it would have started on April 29th, 1992. If it didnt happen then, it sure as hell isnt going to happen now.

Nuke another Hot Pocket, grab your Super Big Gulp, have a seat, and stare at your computer to wait for the next court case to speculate about.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

How helpful!Play the game!Divide and conquer works well I guess.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:09 AM
The riots have not become a nationwide ordeal. Not yet anyway. I'm also unsure as to whether or not they will. Things seem quiet in my neck of the woods, thankfully.

Would the outcome of Zimmerman's acquittal have been so heated if the media and certain others (who shall remain unnamed in this post) hadn't played up the nonexistent racial profiling? I find it to be unlikely. Manufactured racism, the brainchild of the media, made things much worse than they may have otherwise been.

Perhaps this whole thing was escalated to provide a distraction. While the protests in Egypt were really heating up in weeks prior, the media's attention seemed to stubbornly focus on Zimmerman's trial, and not the largest protest in (known) human history. Sure some coverage was discussed, but not as much as one might expect for such a large scale event.

But I digress and am straying from the topic. Do I think that this debacle will bring about Martial Law? I'd be lying if I said that the thought hadn't briefly crossed my mind. Perhaps if this devolves into an all out race war, then Martial Law may be enforced. But that doesn't seem likely at this point.

Star for you, soulpower.

edit on 17-7-2013 by Lunarian because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-7-2013 by Lunarian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:15 AM
Oh please,its a flash mob thing at best. Maybe racist thugs will use it here and there to kill a few people but it too will blow over.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Honestly I do not think that will happen however I bet more people wind up applying for CCW permits and NRA membership goes up. Gun sales have been high for a long time I do not see that changing.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 08:18 AM
The backlash and violent protest in response to this ruling is *NOTHING* compared to what we've seen in the past. Even with the amount of media coverage given this case, this is a minor blip on the radar as compared to what we've seen in the past. Thinking that this will lead to someone's fantasy martial law is foolish.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by soulpowertothendegree
How soon before this situation becomes so out of control that there is a need to instigate MARTIAL LAW?

The Black people threatened to start riots over a non-guilty verdict...they have done that...they have placed a bounty on Zimmerman....they have repeatedly threatened more violence on "WHITEY", like every white person is responsible for the behavior of other "WHITE PEOPLE"...are we as white people supposed to treat all black people like crazy scumbag murders?

Yes, in the world of ATS everything that happens in America is a precursor to Martial Law!

Even during the L.A. riots of '94 the nation wasn't under threat of that, the city maybe, but not the nation. You would need something a hell of a lot more impressive than a city or two in a state of civil uprising.

And what have we actually seen after this case? A few instances of sporadic violence, some inconvenience, a little mess...

Take a look at what was happening in the UK in the summer of 2011, and what happened in L.A. in 1994 - those were instances to be concerned about. Right now, there is little to be concerned about relating to this case in the US. You are not seeing anything like what was feared was going to happen.

It's not over yet, and something more serious could happen if the police are not very careful in their response to protest. But right now all I see is a lot of people "claiming" that something bigger is going on, or believing that something bigger will happen, and there is no evidence right now to support that.

It's yet more doom porn for ATS.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 08:41 AM
Just to put my two cents in on this, I never understood why people have destroyed cities (Rodney King) over people being wrong.(Rodney King)...even though I am a Pollock, I still can not wrap my little pea brain around that one.

In my life, I have gone to a school where I was one of 5 white people. Wasn't too fun for me, I had a quick temper back then, and I had the same 4 girls in all of my classes, and they tried to instigate me into a fight everyday. But, I knew it would end up very badly for me, even though I would be defending my self. I also have had numerous African American friends who could not stand their own race for the very reason this thread is about.

Moving on, I know we can not use the "N" word, as it is a sensitive subject, However, out of all the threads I have read on this subject, no one has put the actual meaning of the word on here, I tried to look in one of my dictionarys, it is not in there, if someone could put it in this thread, I would be ever so gratetful, as I do not know how to.

Anyway, from memory, it in no way puts the color of a persons skin in the definition. It is a description of a persons character. And I know quite a few white people who fit that definition to a "T".

me personally, if I can't carry on a conversation with a person , reguardless of skin color, and understand a 1/3 of what they are saying, I pity them. Sorry for a long winded two cents. Just my opinion.
edit on 17-7-2013 by thepolish1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 08:49 PM
Yeah ,heres a thread bashing this one out on a personal level a black lady is stating she sees such behavior as detrimental and the "slave" worshipers are attacking,apparently they sill want revenge or that is my take on it.She thinks it is prejudice and wrong :

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 10:06 PM
TSHTF this weekend people
Expect martial law real soon !
Stay home this weekend,but if you go out Don't act the fool.

Sharpton plans non-violent prayer vigils and demonstrations at federal buildings in 100 different American cities on Saturday.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Considering nothing is out of control...relatively that is; I am not sure the premise of your statement can even be applied.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Ameilia
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Oh behalf of spelling and grammar police everywhere, I would like to thank you for the correct spelling of martial law, as opposed to the common mistake seen here of marshall law.

But the Marshall Plan was effective, calls for martial law and/or doomsayers thereof are highly notorious of being completely off base.

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