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Aliens sending messages in secret in the background noise?

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posted on May, 15 2003 @ 07:25 PM
Scientists work out why we haven't heard from the aliens May 8 2003

The Western Mail - The National Newspaper Of Wales

ALIENS may be sending each other secret messages buried in background noise, it was claimed yesterday.

Two scientists have come up with a possible solution to the long standing puzzle of why, if alien civilisations are out there, no one has ever picked up signals from them.

The Fermi paradox, first posed by the physicist Enrico Fermi, is still one of the strongest arguments against the existence of intelligent aliens.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 01:51 PM
What do you mean by "background noise" ? Because I have started to hear (I know this sounds way to coincidental) noises whenever I am on the Internet or just my computer..I have tested this and put my sound on mute, and even disconnected my sound box so I couldn't hear anything. I could still hear something in the background..It is a fuzzy noise, but it is completely random...What the hell is this?

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 04:17 PM
Doesn't it defeat the purpose sending a 'secret message' that no one can read?

Scientific paranoia

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 04:20 PM
they are talking about the random background noise that supposedly is from the big bang. It is from all the radiation. They already knew what that noise was from.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
Doesn't it defeat the purpose sending a 'secret message' that no one can read?

Scientific paranoia

I don't think it's 'secret' though I would think that if these Aliens exist they would be using a different type of technology that we may not have discovered yet. If we find some sort of pattern, then were in business.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 02:22 PM
ive also been wondering why we havent found anything on the SETI project. Could it be that the whole program is a smoke screen of somekind? that we arent even analyzing waves, but just some random crap.
maybe its a program to keep the "normal" people thinnkin that we are searching but nothing has been found.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 04:49 PM
Or maybe the aliens have been sending us messages all along and we are just decoding it for the government.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Mac223
What do you mean by "background noise" ? Because I have started to hear (I know this sounds way to coincidental) noises whenever I am on the Internet or just my computer..

Since I have installed SETI, I have heard noise on my speakers, I have nothing running through any media players, i goes between a high pitched buzzing sound, to click sounds...weird

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Mac223
...I could still hear something in the background..It is a fuzzy noise, but it is completely random...What the hell is this?

Hi Mac223!!

Noisy cooling fan/ hard drive whirring/ some other mechanical noise being amplified by your tower and work station configuration??

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by TheSwordMaster
... that we arent even analyzing waves, but just some random crap.

An interesting thought... But, a very elaborate hoax, if true TSM.

Have you run SETI@home? Do you know that each WU (work unit) states when and where (in the sky) it was collected from? That each WU is analysed for pulses, triplets, Gaussians and peaks? That add-on components can display all these? That the Arecibo radio telescope has time booked on it for the project? That around 5 000 000 people across the world run the program? That the radio sources are catalogued in databases for other radio telescopes to be directed at them?

But, someone *could* hoax this, I suppose....

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Mac223
What do you mean by "background noise" ? Because I have started to hear (I know this sounds way to coincidental) noises whenever I am on the Internet or just my computer..I have tested this and put my sound on mute, and even disconnected my sound box so I couldn't hear anything. I could still hear something in the background..It is a fuzzy noise, but it is completely random...What the hell is this?

I had a computer a while ago start doing exactly the same thing, all the more mysterious because it was a server that didn't have a sound card or even a PC speaker attached. The noise was somehow related to one of its SCSI hard drives. replaced the drive - noise went away. I hope your problem is something less dramatic.

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 04:48 PM

Scientists work out why we haven't heard from the aliens May 8 2003

Maybe they just dont want to contact us. Would you blame them?

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by JustAnIllusionMaybe they just dont want to contact us. Would you blame them?

Hi JAI!!

Short answer - no!!

Long(er) answer: they might not be able to stop themselves...

We've had "man made" ie anomalous radio transmissions from this planet for around 100 years, give or take. So, *theoretically* any advanced civilisation - with access to radio telescopes, who happened to be "listening" - *might* be able to detect *our* increasing radio transmissions if they were within a distance of 100 light years or so from us. The same for us, of course. *If* there is a civilisation "out there" who have used (or continue to use) parts of the radio spectrum, then we too, *might* be able to detect anomolous signals too.

Of course, it could well be that *other* forms of communication exist which we no nothing about and that *these* are used in preference to radio signals and that the "shelf life" of radio, per se, is very limited eg a bit like "steam power" locomotion which has largely been replaced (in trains) by diesel and/ or electric traction.

But, at present, *we* are "leaking" radio signals from Earth that *could* be detected - and "they" *might be doing the same too... Just a thought...

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