Don't take a side.
There is TOO MUCH going on to get hooked on team Martin, or team Zimmerman.
This thread is purely objective from either side.
Following the recent crime rise, and the shooting in Knoxville, I'm getting concerned.
Those threats to kill and riot if Zimmerman walks free may be playing out...
And if so, we are ALL in trouble. This will set the elite up to give yet another blow to our Constitution.
"See all the crime rising! There's a problem here! Time to ban more guns! Guns are evil!"
Oh. Maybe all the violent reactions to Zimmerman's freedom are intentional?
Because they need this rise in crime in order to push more laws...? Meh.
I believe the rising crime rate is the manifested reaction due to Zimmerman's freedom.
Look here;
Christian Hartsock, who describes himself as a conservative journalist and filmmaker, told the Daily Caller earlier today he was assaulted by a
crowd protesting the Zimmerman verdict in downtown Oakland Sunday night.
Full article here --->
Filmmaker beaten by Trayvon Martin
protesters New Black Panthers predict civil
unrest across America
And this is interesting --->
Twitter flooded with more death/riot threats
Racial, religious, or nationalistic division works as a monumentally dangerous tool to manipulate us.
And, its leading to--not only slaughtering any chance we have of unifying and revolting against our tyrannical government--but out rights being shot
down, one by one, as the snowball gets bigger...
Or, am I being paranoid?
This whole exploited Trayvon-Zimmerman thing ISN'T a plotted psychological attack?
Well... one way or another, its going to fuel the "anti-gun" battle.
See? Obama's already talking. --->
Oh God, its happening. Obama already talkin
"We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily
basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of
us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin."
Full article
Its on the way.
I guarantee you, gun control will be the hot seat again soon. And we'll be facing more restrictions and bans before you know it.
There are TOO MANY threads about Zimmerman. Yes, I know, I'm evil for starting a new one... but this isn't about the trial, this isn't about who's
innocent and who's guilty--its about the bigger battle behind this tiny, unimportant court case that we're all distracted from.
And I expected more ATSers to see through the facade--but you all surprised me! So many posts are either defending Martin, or defending Zimmerman.
You're being duped! If you take a side, you lose!
Look BEHIND the big picture!
Our rights are under attack, and this stupid case is only going to be more ammunition for the elite.
edit on 16-7-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)