I just read an interesting article which I will provide a link to for you all.
With the resignation of Janet (from another planet) Napolitano ,
there is a major vacuum to be filled. I think I read 15 high profile positions.
Which means exponentially more than that in laymans terms.
While the sky is the limit for the security of a nation,
are there not enough Alphabet Agencies who are fully capable and willing to meet
the 24/7 demands required? Not to mention Local,Regional,and State Law Enforcement.
In other words, was the DHS just another bloated and bureaucratic Government Agency
created with good intentions but in haste?
Was DHS created as a Cash Cow?
Personally, I cannot say. For the Publicly released records might not be a true judge
of the accomplishments of this Agency.
However, the information made available does not allow the Taxpayer Citizen to Judge them at all without giving a
"Benefit of the Doubt" handicap to begin with.
Maybe DHS is a good Idea, and the cost is worth the investment.
Then Again, Maybe it is a Black Hole that we are pouring money into.
That might be difficult to explain to one of the 240,000 employees if so.
I sure as hell wouldn't want to give that presentation.
Here is a Link to the Source Article :
Here are DHS links/PDF's concerning their budget:
Food For Thought. Let me know yours, Wildmanimal
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