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Can't get away from religious crap

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posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

Actually, it does . . . retired staff, IIRC.

However, imho, any connection considering the Vatican "Christian" would . . . at this point . . . be . . . farcical . . . as with most large "Christian" orgs.

See Tom Horn and Cris Putnam's EXO-VATICANA and PETROS ROMANUS

I think if a group is 1.5 years old or older, they've already started going over to the dark side.

You'd be surprised how many Bible thumpers agree with you fairly wholesale about religion.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 03:24 PM

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 03:24 PM


posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

I agree with noturtypical,where are the scriptures to back up your claims?
You provide that information and we will look the passages up in our Bibles!

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

The rest of the garbage here is useless to argue since you guys believe in your own confusion. We see it plain as day. Why you can not... I'll just keep my opinions to myself.

But I'll remark here since it's so easy to... It's laughable. it shows exactly what we're dealing with.

Make sure you post all of it so you can see where you failed. I was perfectly clear.

You said...

People have the freedom of speech in this country. If you don't like it, move somewhere where they don't.

What does that mean to you? One can say anything and the other cannot? How considerate of you..

Then you say

We also have freedom of expression, so people should be able to express their love for one another by performing all kinds of sexual positions on the sidewalk by the local store. But wait, they'd get arrested for such freedom of expression. By the by, you posted pics of advertisements, not the melding of flesh doing the nasty in the park.

I say...

No we dont.. You're confusing rights, here.

Freedom of speech, of the press, of association, of assembly and petition -- this set of guarantees, protected by the First Amendment, comprises what we refer to as freedom of expression. There is no stand alone freedom of expression. What you're confusing it with are Speech, Press, Assosiation of assembly and petition... THESE are considered freedom of expression.

There you go twisting things around again.

Then you come up with this... whatever you call it...

That's your argument? Is one freedom different from another? Can you have a full freedom of one thing and only half a freedom of another? I love it!

So yes.. That's my argument. Again... You CLAIM that freedom of expression is a right to have sex on a sidewalk... when NO it DOESNT. How in the 9 hells can you even assume this is a right? Where on earth does it show that we have a freedom of expression? That's just a label. The actual freedom is SPEECH. It has nothing, not one bleeding thing to do with action. Still, you insist that was a win for you? Really?

If you honestly believe that any of what you said up there makes since, and some how trumps my response... then... then... Just wow. I dont need to talk to you anymore. You're obviously not on the same level of common sense and I just dont have the language to communicate with you. This is not a rip on you.. It's just the best way i can explain that obviously we either not talking about the same thing, or you just cant get it through your thick skull. I've been reading your responses to all of this, to everyone, and simply put.. I dont think you even know what you're talking about. Again, I'm not trying to be hard on you or put you down.. I just dont know any other way on how to explain it. Just wow!

Big difference.

I guess that within each so-called freedom there are still limits to what is publicly acceptable. And I'm saying that religious expression should be confined to the bedroom along with other certain freedoms of expression.

Umm.. Just... No!

If you're going to used a freedom of expression.. you have to show me where any law says you have it to begin with. Freedom of speech would consider you a hipocrite. For the record.. I never said anything about telling you that you couldnt argue christianity. Besides.. this is a forum for such conversations/arguments... So your point is mute. I gave you an example. You need to reread that response and quote me on it correctly. Dont do what you guys have been doing and quote only part of it and miss the context alltogether. That's just stupid.

So that being shown... I'd say someone that would bring this kind of argument to me, i would call them an idiot and a dumb#. But I'll be nice today. Not to mention, the biased mods on this forum would simply not let it be anyways. Oh wait... I mean SOME mods... See what i did there?

Now, if you respond, make sure you quote all of the points you wish to address, not just some. And you have to come up with something actually arguable. Otherwise there is no point. Though, it probably wouldn't matter. I really feel like I'm done with this thread. I think we have made our points clear. it's up to you guys to accept that they are valid, instead of just running in circles. Stop missing the point and try another direction if you want. We can argue back and forth all day and we'll still feel we're right, and you'll still come across as confusing and talking in circles over the same topic that we feel we've already addressed till we're blue in the face. Still, you obviously wont see it or accept it. Either way.. it's tiresome and pointless. You're going to believe what you want. Im open to logic. If you can show it, i'll follow it.

Till then.. toodles

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

Atheists are never thankful for anything because they have no one to thank.
Can't believe a friggen sign promted this PATHETIC thread.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by theRhenn

Atheists are never thankful for anything because they have no one to thank.
Can't believe a friggen sign promted this PATHETIC thread.


posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

After all we have been reading today in this rant,you may not believe
this,I am proud of you for not yelling at these boys!
Please always remember,christians coming up to you and asking you
about salvation have your best interests at heart,even if you don't believe

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 04:06 PM
This is the sign you saw.
"Jesus didn't fight sin by avoiding sinners. "

That's pretty much the MO of the Salvation Army.
They actively go out and help people who are down and out, and need help. Regardless of their religious affiliation, the Salvation Army tries to help them.

Had this sign been at a police station, or a public school, it might be worrisome. But, given it's location, it was appropriate.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

Intellectual dishonesty my ass. There were no NT quotes in your post that's why your statement was arbitrary.

Now, would you like to support your positive claim or not? Let's see where the NT "asserts Christianity is about Christians taking up arms against nonChristians.". Or admit you completely made that up, that works too.

edit on 13-7-2013 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

There were only seven pages in this thread when I made that post. I have made multiple posts with direct passages from the bible that address exactly what it is you are referring to, however, in the spirit of good faith, I will address them all again, right here.

I apologize to the OP for not doing so earlier, it wasn't my intention to have the God Squad come after me for my opinion. I will be making no more posts in this thread regarding this line of discussion.


posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 04:27 PM
Seeing as there has been two requests to regulate the temperature in this thread and yet it has required further attention from staff it will, for a while at least, be closed.

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