posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 07:08 PM
Clearly what's going is unconstitutional, NSA's Director Clapper clearly lied to congress, over 55% of people beleive Snowden is a hero, Obama is now
putting in programs from all the hired spies/NSA employee's to be spying on each other to keep anyone from Whistleblowing.....
LIKE WTF ??????
It's like I woke up couple weeks ago, and the U.S. is upside down, completely opposite of what we once stood for.
And now what? Apathy. No one will do anything long as you got your junk food, favorite shows, paycheck, and internet.
But I would like to ask, is there anyway to stop what's going on? Or is it clearly too late with all these Alphabets having gone rouge?
By the way I'm not trolling. Serious question, and if you are scared to respond to this thread, that just shows in what kind of Country you live in,
one where you are no longer free, but have to fear what you say, write, think
edit on 11-7-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason