posted on May, 15 2003 @ 12:30 PM
The former Iraqi minister for the Information Mohammad Sa�d Al Sahaf, whose surrealist points of press were worth to him a statute of
personality-worship of the war in Iraq, soon will make his entry in the British discotheques. Producers indeed hope to compose a piece which will be
punctuated the most known Al Sahaf declarations. "That should have an insane success", ensured one of the project executors, Molloy, with the
tablo�d British The Sun, which brings back the history in its edition of Friday. "Of the chains of radio and the DJ showed themselves interested
right now." Always capped of a beret and raising a malicious smile, Sahaf had dazzled the Western televiewers during its daily televised appearances.
Surrounded by microphones, it regularly contradicted information with the contempt of any probability and sometimes in obvious contradiction with the
images diffused by television. It often qualified the forces American and British of "infid�les "and promised that" God would make roast their
stomachs in hell ".
They dont know what to do to make money :