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The Alien Myth in the 21st Century

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posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by mcx1942

Basically we see them, give them names, yet they remain out of our grasp.

If unexplained UFO's are indeed piloted or controlled by intelligent beings that are far more advanced, there are two simple reasons why they would want to keep their distance that make the most sense to me. Actually, both reasons tie in together.

1. Homo sapiens is an extremely predatory, hostile, savage and warlike species, that has only in the merest blink of an eye in true time emerged into self-awareness and reached the earliest levels of technological advancement.

2. We have nothing they want or need that they cannot more easily and safely obtain elsewhere.

I believe in evolutionary theory. Very solid evidence supports it. I also believe the factors that influenced the creation of life here on Earth are most likely common throughout the universe. Self preservation dictates that we as a species do not normally place ourselves in harms way among other dangerous species unless by doing so we have something to gain that outweigh the risks. Why wouldn't other species not known to us do the same?

edit on 9-7-2013 by birdhead because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 06:46 PM
Can you imagine an intelligent being without a humanoid or humanoid like form? I can. The possibility exists that
the universe if full of intelligent life that humans can not perceive because of the limitations of the human form
and sensory apparatus. It is conceivable that beings who are not physical but are composed of energy, intelligent
energy, exist.. How would you communicate with these beings and how would these beings communicate with you?
They might manifest in craft [flying saucers, UFOs] that seem to defy the natural laws of physics that humans
are limited by. These beings in the modern era appear as UFO alien phenomena; in the past they may have appeared as various occultic and/or religious/spiritual phenomena. Many myths of the past, present and future
may be caused by an intelligence the human mind can still not comprehend or communicate with.
edit on 9-7-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by AlienView

Like jellyfish type creatures floating through space? I've seen videos of floating pulsating things in space. One was the tether video and another ISS video. One question I ask myself all the time is IF there is life out there why aren't we told the truth.. I'm not saying I believe or not but if they are out there what would be the reason for the whole world being kept in the dark about it. I would love to know we are just one civilization out of maybe hundreds in our galaxy. Maybe they are waiting for the right time.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by DarkNite

Here we get into the realm where science fiction shows the possibilities best. In a recent post I started titled:
"Aliens are taking over the Planet Earth"

I speculated that 'they' are using computers to take complete control. Can you now live without your computer?
Can the world now function [business, etc.] without computers? Probably not.
Before you know, and possibly even now, 'they' might take and already have complete control of humans on the planet Earth and humans would not even be aware of it. And what is their ultimate agenda.....?????

I speculate that it is control of the Universe/ Why? Because they [and possibly us] can perceive it - it is in their
nature to be able to control it. The old Masters and Kings of the Universe made real.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by AlienView

Good questions. It can be that the problem lies in our minds. Not that we in any way create this "phenomenon". But how we interpret it. We tend to always interpret what we see based on our own superstition and outdated religious beliefs.

It often limits us and is a big obstacle when it comes to investigating it scientifically.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Chazam
reply to post by AlienView

Good questions. It can be that the problem lies in our minds. Not that we in any way create this "phenomenon". But how we interpret it. We tend to always interpret what we see based on our own superstition and outdated religious beliefs.

It often limits us and is a big obstacle when it comes to investigating it scientifically.

True. This is why I suggest that humans 'think alien'. This is not an easy task and is speculative. But we must think
of more than the normal human paradigm - aliens may think differently and have agendas far more advanced the
mundane human agendas.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 03:44 PM
I have never seen a ufo but I do like to keep an open mind and don't immediately discount any of the hypothesis put forward.

However I'm personally unconvinced by the majority of the evidence put forward to support the extra terrestrial hypothesis. All the evidence I have seen since the beginning of the ufo phenomenon seems to be slight and inconclusive and a lot is just charlatanry and hoaxes.

There are some compelling incidents though such as the Battle of Los Angeles and the lights over Washington DC in 52 but of course we don't know how much a part the paranoia of the cold war played in this surge of sightings from the 40s to the 60s. I've also read about interesting incidents in Brazil in the late 70s and the Rendlesham Forest incident in 1980.

So apart from a mere handful of incidents which genuinely defy explanation I think it is easy to dismiss the majority of sightings people report as mistaken or hoaxes and this extends to the slew of photographs and videos which generally seem to be unconvincing.

I don't think there has been a genuinely compelling ufo incident with substantial recorded evidence in a long time maybe as far back as the lights over phoenix which is why I'm becoming increasingly sceptical about the veracity of the ufo phenomenon being extra terrestrial in nature.

I tend to favour the school of thought of Jacques Vallee and John Keel that there might be an ultra or extra dimensional explanation to this pheonmeoma as if something at some fundamental level has been trying to reach out and communicate with humanity in a symbolic language. If the extra terrestrial hypothesis is true you have to ask yourself why do they continue to remain hidden but make their existence so blatantly obvious?

As for the whole history of alien abduction I don't see how it can be taken so seriously because of the factors of post hypnotic suggestion and also the possibility that every alien abduction case is just an episode of sleep paralysis. Then again I did read of an unusual case of a woman being levitated outside a New York skyscraper which had witnesses' to it wish I could remember the name of this incident...

As for the alien conspiracy and government cover up part of me thinks a lot of it is just disinfo and aliens have been used for some covert agenda for decades. I've never personally been convinced by the MJ-12 documents but like I say I keep an open mind.
edit on 15-7-2013 by fadedface because: spelling

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Jaellma

I believe there are supporting cases and strong evidence to support something going on out there. The governments have demonstrated they don't have anything to match or surpass what some of these things are capable of doing and this suggests "otherworldly entities".

Where is this evidence that governments have "demonstrated" they don't have anything to match?

For all we know governments like the US are flying around secret esoteric craft, perhaps unmanned whos capabilities far exceed anything that is currently in the public domain.

No government is going to give away it's secrets as far as experimental crafts are concerned.......there's a reason that they call themselves "secret" you know.

edit on 15-7-2013 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 04:20 PM
I remember a post being written about this kind of thing years ago. Something about Ufology becoming a religion, and the OP laid out the basic tenants, dogma, profits, holy books, mythos, denominations, and what not. It was a fun read. I wish I could find it again, but it long before I even made an account on here.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee

Yes it's quite an interesting subject.

The way the UFO "phenomenon" is seen by many people is very close to our classic religious beliefs. It basically contains most, if not all, of the elements.

We have our savior(s). We have our paradise, the perfect ascended alien societies with no crime or poverty. They of course are here to save us in some way and we just await their return in the same way many people wait for Jesus to return. We have our Hellish demons in it too. It's almost like people who choose to believe in this end up believing in a morphed Christianity/Judaism.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 10:26 PM
There are certain similarities between religious thinking/paradigm and alien thinking/paradigm. But there are also some big differences. In religion you have the 'holier than thou' type mythology based upon a specific human/humanoid paradigm but aliens and the alien mythology is often different - it is not necessarily based on humans and some might infer that 'they' are not often interested in humans and that is a plausible explanation for their appearance with no tangible contact [provable]. You do not have to stretch your imagination much to see the possibility of beings existing who are so far advanced in intelligence so as to render human existence by comparison to how humans might relate to say grasshoppers!

Or compare yourself today with the Neanderthal man of which you are genetically connected - are you really from those 'people'? Some would rather think that those so-called 'alien genes' which science has verified hold the key
to the human of tomorrow - sometimes so-called 'Star-People' always searching for the Home Planet. A more inspiring mythology than religious dogma.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by fadedface
However I'm personally unconvinced by the majority of the evidence put forward to support the extra terrestrial hypothesis. All the evidence I have seen since the beginning of the ufo phenomenon seems to be slight and inconclusive and a lot is just charlatanry and hoaxes.

There are some compelling incidents though such as the Battle of Los Angeles and the lights over Washington DC in 52 but of course we don't know how much a part the paranoia of the cold war played in this surge of sightings from the 40s to the 60s. I've also read about interesting incidents in Brazil in the late 70s and the Rendlesham Forest incident in 1980.

So apart from a mere handful of incidents which genuinely defy explanation I think it is easy to dismiss the majority of sightings people report as mistaken or hoaxes and this extends to the slew of photographs and videos which generally seem to be unconvincing.
edit on 15-7-2013 by fadedface because: spelling

I generally agree with your comments above. A few weeks ago on the History Channel or Science Channel I watched a show where they interviewed three military personnel from the Rendlesham Forest incident. What was interesting was they said that even though this craft was right in front of them and they could even touch it, they couldn't describe what it was or even know what it was. I understand they saw it take off. Based on the size and the description they gave, it was not a manned craft. This is an interesting incident, but, goes to show that even if you totally believe these guys, seeing something doesn't even prove anything! The craft they saw could have even been ours and we were just testing it. It could have been an alien probe, but, these guys admitted, they simply don't know.

I believed in the Ancient Astronaut theory for a while. When the show started, I believed that since the History Channel was making money on the show they would put some effort into upgrading the available evidence. In my view, more tangible evidence would mean higher ratings and a longer lasting show. Instead, they made it into a joke. After the Bigfoot / Alien episode, I just can't watch it anymore. I am not sure of their ratings, but, I am guessing it won't be around much longer.

What I have come to believe is that actual manned missions to our planet by ET, if they have occurred at all have been limited to a handful. However, the lack of factual evidence surrounding these possible contacts, makes these cases of no further value. An example is the Ezekiel wheel story in the bible.

Rather, the incidents you point to above are more indicative of unmanned probes whose computer technology is constitutes true artificial intelligence. There have been enough sightings such as these that the potential for unmanned probes from other worlds is plausible. That is a plausible explanation for the fact that there are sightings, but, we are never contacted and we can't catch them.

I am sure humans will reach out in a similar fashion to potentially habitable worlds in the future. What is the agenda? I am guessing to determine if our world is habitable, simply to learn about other worlds in general and to determine if there is value related to making contact with us. We have no idea if they can send messages from the probe to their world instantaneously, if they have the capability of sending manned probes here etc. Therefore, it could be thousands of years before we are contacted.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 03:40 AM
There are scientists and physcists who also believe the alien/UFO myth is moe than myth. For example:

It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system.There is no doubt in my mind that these objects are interplanetary craft of some sort. I and my colleagues are confident that they do not originate in our solar system.

-Dr. Herman Oberth (The father of modern rocketry)

"In my mind, there is no question that they're out there. My career is well established. My texts books are required reading in all the major capitals on planet earth. If you want to become a physicist to learn about the unified field therory-you read my books. Therefore, I'm in a position to say: Yes-Most likely they're out there, perhaps even visited, perhaps on our moon."

-Professor Michio Kaku Author of Theoretical Physics UNY

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