posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 09:09 PM
I am new here and I have been coming to this website for over a year. Everyone has his or her right to their opinion so I would like to give mine.
I am living in the New Testement of the Bible. Come on, people. God saw the 'errors of His ways', who are we not to do the same? Believe me, if
we WERE living in the Old Testement, most of us wouldn't be here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or should I say, NONE of us would be here.
Al Quida (sp?) and yes, Bush and others like him are living in the Old Testement. Iraq had NOTHING to do with 911. Bush would have led us into war
anyway. 911 just gave him the green light to start it sooner! This is a vendetta for his Dad as Saddam had it in for his dad in 1991. Yes this is
documented. Hmmmmmmmm...when Bush gets out of office, he will go about his life. Hey, he doesn't have to worry how HE will survive after this!!
BUT, he, as well as ALL of us will have NO power when Judgement Day is here! THAT is what EVERYONE should be thinking about! God is watching;
remember that!
Thank you for letting me express my opinion.
[edit on 9-11-2004 by John bull 1]