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Roswell/UFO files - The History Channel

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posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 08:44 PM
Interesting show tonight on Roswell as part of the ongoing History Channel UFO Files show. Probably not news to those in the know but the show outlined several boxes of formerly classified government files regarding Roswell. The majority debunked Roswell with secret government projects going on in the 40's,50's & 60's (Project Mogul, Operation High Dive, Project Excelsior). They really covered a lot of material that if you buy it explains a lot of what allegedly happened that summer in 1947. Some of the explanations still left questions. Anyone else catch it (might have been a repeat), interested to hear comments on it.


[edit on 8-11-2004 by brill]

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 08:58 AM
I saw it. The only thing I thought was interesting in regards to the "recently declassified materials" was that box of foil and balsa wood... Why the hell would you ever keep that crap? I can buy that at the local hobby shop... Why many of the details of the top secret projects were revieled it was almost as if the government was trying too hard to convince people that nothing happened out of the ordinary. I might have bought the whole story had that box of balsa/foil not been there.

I still think there was something strange that happened at Rosewell beyond our own military expirements. I doubt the public will ever get the complete truth.

Edit: As a side note this is interesting...

I can find the site with the high resolution scan of the image, but on there it shows very faint letters on the telegraph. It's hard to make out what it says but some letters are quite clear. I guess nobody ever though that computers could allow people to one day read something that could not be done at the time...

[edit on 9-11-2004 by tacitblue]

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by tacitblue
Edit: As a side note this is interesting...

Wow, very interesting i hadnt heard about this. The fact that they identified the words "THE VICTIMS OF THE" and "SAFE TALK" kind of gives it all away. Why the hell would they be saying things like that if all that crashed was nothing but a weather balloon. Ok, so they've got the evidence of a cover-up, what next??

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 08:45 PM
A 1200dpi version of that photo would be nice. Very interesting story though, even if it proves to be just a hoax, which I hope it isn't

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 12:21 AM
Here is a link to the info I was talking about... A link to this site was posted on the Coast2Coast website about a year ago.

Something weird happened at Roswell and I'd like to know the truth. I doubt the entire truth will ever be told.

[edit on 11-11-2004 by tacitblue]

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 08:40 AM

The majority debunked Roswell with secret government projects going on in the 40's,50's & 60's (Project Mogul, Operation High Dive, Project Excelsior). They really covered a lot of material that if you buy it explains a lot of what allegedly happened that summer in 1947. Some of the explanations still left questions. Anyone else catch it (might have been a repeat), interested to hear comments on it.

1. Project Mogul was NOT serious enough to be classified for over 50 years.
2. The intelligence officer of the base, Jesse Marcel, has stated that the debris he posed with for pictures was NOT from the crash, and was indeed for a coverup.
3. There is NO record of a Mogul balloon in the area on the dates in question (and if it was so secret of a project, to remain classified for 50 years, you can bet your ass they'd know where these things were).
4. I think that the senior intelligence officer, of one of the most restricted bases in the US (housed the only atomic bomber wing), could tell the difference between unearthly crash debris, versus tin foil and balsa wood!
5. High Dive was YEARS after the Roswell crash, so the dummies excuse is probably the weakest link in the USAF's case for it.
6. You CAN'T debunk an incident that happened in the 40's, with projects going on AFTER it occured!
7. There are dozens of witnesses that testify with very similar stories, both on the alien victims, as well as the crash debris.
8. The Ramey memo. The very memo in his hands while posing with the balloon debris has been shown to have some VERY striking information when the photo is blown up, etc. (as they didn't know this tech would be around later when they took the photo).
9. There is quite a paper trail supporting the events of that night, and for me, one of the biggest convincers is the shakeup of the ENTIRE Defense Department almost overnight. Without any prior plans to do so, the entire department was revamped, the CIA and Air Force created, etc. all within the same month. It took longer to create the Dept of Homeland Security after 911! So ask yourself, what kind of MAJOR event could cause such a shakeup?
10. The Air Force's case has more holes than swiss cheese.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 01:16 PM
According to the history channel website, the next two showings of UFO/Roswell related material are Conspiracy on Friday night at 11pm EST and UFO Files on Monday night at 8pm EST.

[edit on 11/11/04 by Meteor_of_War]

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