Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by Druscilla
Usually I'm on board with you when you pass out these glossary terms. But I'm curious, why do you think the last couple of cases you posted on in
this forum are attributable to dissociative fugue states? Really, what is your basis for that?
Seems pretty off target for an expert marksman like you. Just my opinion.
edit on 7-7-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)
I'm not saying they are.
It's just one of those 'things' that pops up on occasion as a suggestion of something to look for as a potentially validating experience or thing
to say (missing time) that gives greater credibility to any experience as being the product of 'real' spooky visitors.
Some of these "Was I abducted by aliens(?)" threads serve as school room lesson guides to teach readers how to report "genuine" spooky visitor
EX: "If you have marks on your body, or missing time, or it happened when you were driving then, it was alienses fosho". All of which are, in
reality accountable and attributable without the requirement for aliens.
Granted, that may not be the actual intent, but, someone out there reading "Was I abducted(?)" forum topics is likely out there checking off boxes,
and/or taking notes.
Just throwing stuff out ahead of the game.
Regardless, If someone wants to actually believe they're getting visitors from planet Bzztwhoop, then, no amount of rational explanation regardless
precedent is going to dissuade or convince otherwise.
I'm backing off from decreeing reality. I'm just going to start saying, "it COULD be X, and if Y happens in the future, then, well, it's still
entirely attributable to mundane X, but if you want to believe in a Z when there is no Z, then, whatever".
People are going believe whatever they want to hear more often over what they need to hear, so, eh, meh,