posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:19 AM
Hi, my name is Connor, and I'm a thought addict.
I have been a member of this site for many years, and lurked for quite awhile before joining. My daily routine has always involved checking this site
for those rare morsels of truth that come whizzing across my fiber-optics.
The funny thing is, I have never authored a thread, and the only reason I am doing so now is because I finally remembered my account password. I could
have recovered it long ago,--of course--but I get more caught up in observation than active participation, and that has always proved a hindrance to
me since I have much to say.
So now, at 3:00 A.M, I am making a hybridized thread that is half introduction, and half rant. It has occurred to me that I was quite young and stupid
when I made my account. I know I am still young, I may even still be stupid. We'll see. The thing is I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why I
chose such a pretentious, nonsensical, and utterly idiotic user name.
If I had a time machine right now I would travel to 2009 and urge myself to choose another name (maybe something like Mr. Fuzzy), or at least wait
until AFTER I had taken the Latin class before attempting to use the language!
Luckily I know the fine people of ATS to be mostly accepting, and I hope that you can take me seriously anyway. After all, I'm dead serious. About
everything. That's why my name's in a dead language! Or at least that's what I tell myself...
So in summary:
Hi, my name is Connor, and I'm back after a long hiatus to complain about myself.
I hope to see you all around these parts soon.