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Speedup Youtube Videos & online Vids in general

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posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 04:55 PM
found this superb small tutorial on a german Forum.
You often have the problem on Youtube with 720&1080p Videos that they often stop playing and you have to wait.
So here's a working solution.

The approach is the same for WinXP & Windows 7 (x86/64).

1. Start the Windows Editor as Administrator
2. Then in the editor,you open the file "system.ini" (The path is c:\windows\system.ini)
Just ad the text down here under the line [mci] and save..., thats it.

page buffer=100Tbps

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 05:23 PM
This is going to help how? Do you know what you're doing?

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Misbah

The throughput is just set a little higher thats all.
It won't tear apart your windows don't be afraid.
BTW. its not my tutorial i just found it myself, tested it and found it had a really positive impact
on the youtube performance.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 05:31 PM
i'mnotgonna try it, you try it! hey mikey!

well, i tried it.
i watched a video and it works.
i can't tell if it's any faster so i'll spend some more time with it like this.

but, most important, posted in the thread to bookmark it
to remember what i did if i gots to set it back.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 07:23 PM
This isn't really to speed things up, but for anyone who has a problem with the ads, you can do the following...

Change youtube to youtubeskip in the URL of any video.
Example: is the same as

Or you could just use ad blocking software

Just to be clear, the link I posted was just a random video, I don't subscribe to the ideas in it at all. Just proves they let anyone put anything on YouTube.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 09:52 PM
I fear that this 'trick' works for people such as this happy little chappy!

Thanks for the sharing about increasing the Internet speed...Basically my Internet was slow,so i have searched for tips to increase the speed of the Internet,i got the tips here i used the tips to increase the browsing speed,now my Internet and browsing speed was increased's worked..i have checked my speed of the Internet at here
Uploading speed is 0.492MBps
Downloading speed is 0.098MBps

Note the actual speeds.. funky cold medina!

Here's a real tip however.

Are you tired of slow mobile data when out and about on your mobily mobile? Tired of googles taking an age to give you that result you're looking for? Do you want a faster browsing experience on your smart phone?

Did you know that if you head in the direction of the internet when you are mobile, that you get FASTER speeds? It's true. It's simple logics too - if you move away from the internet, it takes the internet longer to reach your mobile device. But, if you move towards the internet, then the internet has less distance to go in order to reach you, and you get Faster internet speeds. Try it. You will be surprised.

Also, here's one for the home users.

But don't tell your ISP, or they'll be on your back like flies on . a.. your back..

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by winofiend
Also, here's one for the home users.

But don't tell your ISP, or they'll be on your back like flies on . a.. your back..

Dude are you being serious??

Im in the middle of studying for networking exams at the moment and while watching this i couldnt work out how the guy was managing to keep a straight face. The guy who made the video has this in the description :

How to get a faster internet connection from your internet service provider using troll science! This trick has a zero percent chance of improving your internet and download speeds. Please stop asking me why you can't get faster speeds because you need to just buy it. Send this to your tech-savvy friends for a laugh! Your internet speed can't actually be increased, you'll have to upgrade your plan

edit on 5-7-2013 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 09:35 AM

Did you know that if you head in the direction of the internet when you are mobile, that you get FASTER speeds? It's true. It's simple logics too - if you move away from the internet, it takes the internet longer to reach your mobile device. But, if you move towards the internet, then the internet has less distance to go in order to reach you, and you get Faster internet speeds. Try it. You will be surprised.

Walk towards the internet for a faster connection?

Walking away from the 'internet ' (Im not sure what that's supposed to mean, but let's suppose you meant a wireless AP) will make no measurable difference.

edit on 5-7-2013 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 11:22 AM
First off all, i never said that your Internet speed will increase. I only said that videos are loading a bit faster on Youtube. Don't twist my words....,Read properly before replying.
reply to post by winofiend

You are comparing bull with something that really works. Why so ignorant?
If you would have done some searching on i.e. Google you would have found that this really works.

i.e. take the first link and look what the people say who've tried it.

edit on 5/7/13 by D0MiNAT0R 1OOO because: (no reason given)

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