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Possible secret government craft?

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posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 04:30 PM
The other night I was driving up a local road that leads to my subdivision that is about 2 miles from Gowen Airforce Base.

Also I should add Boise, Idaho(where I live) is very close to a very large Air Force in Mountain Home, Idaho.

While I was driving home on this very long straight road, I noticed a slow moving formation of lights about 1/2 mile to a mile ahead floating very low. Let me add I was with 2 other friends and they indeed saw this formation as well.

The way it was moving was very unlike any airplane/helicopter, and ever since I saw this craft I have looked at all other aircraft in the skies and it seems all the airplanes and helicopters I have seen had 1 or more blinking lights. This craft we witnessed that night had no blinking lights.

The road we were on had a 45 MPH speed limit. Being 1/2 mile away from it when we first saw it we caught up to it very quickly. As we got closer we approached a hill that leads into the subdivision. When we were going up the hill we have a very very good view of whatever it was.

The formation of the lights were in a perfect triangle. All of us saw it. This was at night so we couldnt see the actual craft itself but we could see 3 circular lights placed in a perfect triangle maybe the size of a basketball court.

I have done research on sightings of triangular lights and it seems alot of people have witnessed these. Has anyone else witnessed anything like this?

I think its a government craft because we are so close to 2 large Air Force Bases.... anyone else have any stories similar to this?

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 06:07 PM
Yes I too believe this is a secret gov't craft.

I have spoken to people who work in and around USAF bases, and they seem to think such things are US Govt as well.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 06:14 PM
Are there any reasons why this wouldn't be a secret USAF aircraft? If I were you, I'd put a call in just to make sure this isn't some secret enemy aircraft.


posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 11:32 PM
I've heard about that for years. I also think it's a secret government aircraft.

Before the F117 was known to the public, I remember watching some show on tv about people in the 60s and 70s seeing an UFO that looked like a triangle, and they said that could of really be seeing the government secretly testing the F117. But of course the government won't admit to any of it.

All the UFOs people see could be from the government... Who knows what they're trying to do with them.. Keep us scared? Who knows.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Sabac

All the UFOs people see could be from the government... Who knows what they're trying to do with them.. Keep us scared? Who knows.

Yeah who knows man... could be a William Cooper type scenario. But really who knows.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 11:23 AM
Was it one of these--

or one of these?

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 11:35 AM
the lights in the second photo look very similar to what i saw

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 01:13 PM
Considering that the B2 and F117 were built in the early 80's (like 20 to 25 years ago)and the amount of money the American goverment spends for black projects(up to 60 billion dollars a year) I would be SHOCKED if they didn't have such technologies like anti-gravity and other forms of propulsion especially since the computer age.I think thats why NASA doesn't get the funding it used to because they have something so much better but can't go public with it.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by thecry
Considering that the B2 and F117 were built in the early 80's (like 20 to 25 years ago)and the amount of money the American goverment spends for black projects(up to 60 billion dollars a year) I would be SHOCKED if they didn't have such technologies like anti-gravity and other forms of propulsion especially since the computer age.I think thats why NASA doesn't get the funding it used to because they have something so much better but can't go public with it.

That makes alot of sense, and I have always thought that.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 02:08 PM
I saw something similar to your description about three years ago off the coast of North Carolina. It was about midnight and I was walking on the beach when I looked up I was surprised to see that a low flying aircraft was almost on top of me and I heard no noise. It was about the size of a B2 but it had all red, non blinking, lights in a triangle pattern. It was huge and moving very slow but it made pretty much only a "wooshing"sound. It flew in from over the ocean and headed north east. The wild thing was that after it passed over and I could only see it from an angle it virtually disapeared, meaning the lights were only on the bottom. I guess it could have been a B2 but why no other lights and only red ones to boot.

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