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Chicago To Potentially Arm Well Meaning Citizens

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posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by resoe26


SAD what it takes to balance wish them in these areas luck and safety the vibrations are felt the hopelessness who cares we are on our own and you know what can happen if! energies/vibrations... be safe


posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Correctamundo, Wrabbit2000.....Texas chiming in to confirm car carry....a decade ago it was not allowed....and not loaded...was the rule it's the norm...

And Wyoming, I suppose....what about the great state of Montanna...?

6 weeks ago a thread told of Houston handing out weapons for free almost.

edit on 28-6-2013 by GBP/JPY because: Yahuweh...the coolest of names, I swear

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 09:32 PM
Pat would do much better enacting Open Carry before Concealed Carry.

This is already a very high crime area because no one can fight back. What would you rather have? A ton of citizens around you carrying guns you don't know they have and cannot see or a ton of people around you who's gun you can see so you have a better sense if that person is a criminal - statistics show gang members and thugs do Not Open Carry - they are too afraid of getting stopped by a cop.

If everyone was Concealed carrying, you would not have any clue who is a criminal and whop isn't. Concealed Carry is SO STUPID - I don't agree with it one bit..

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
This is going to be pure popcorn level entertainment when this finally becomes law in the last dark little corner that's tried to keep it from the people as their Right. SO much will happen ....they'll be almost nothing to report! As has happened everywhere else! Predictions of doom, gloom and gunfights in the street never amount to more than hyperbole and the ranting of people who know no better ...or appeal to those who don't.

I love the tone of the article, at least at first almost seeming to suggest it's going to be Dodge City in downtown Chicago. lol.....

I guess someone needs to tell them you can have a loaded gun in your car without even needing a permit, let alone license to own it in St Louis and Kansas City as just two examples. What makes them better or worse for legal residents going berserk and criminally insane just because they can carry a gun? The fear mongering on the subject in the face of all but a couple last states having already DONE this to no terrible outcome is truly amusing. lol...

Thanks Wrabbit. The local media is already hand-wringing that Gov Pat has to sign,
because there's enough votes to override anyway.
Fact One.. even out in the west sticks, the crooks are carrying concealed anyway.
Fact Two.. Kennisaw Georgia is a town where it seems people mind their manners.
"Three": Bullwinkle. I couldn't help it. I'm sure Rahm and the rest of the Grabbastics
are tie-chewing on shifts and it won't help. Heller was finally a stroke in favor of the
spirit of the Constitution... now if we can rid ourselves of these "qualifications"...

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by CaticusMaximus

Originally posted by resoe26

Question is, will this deter criminals, or will the violence be enhanced?

That question is strangely posed. It seems to be assuming that the two options given are mutually exclusive, when they are not. Nor is it impossible that neither of those things will actually happen.

Once criminals start getting shot in the act of committing crimes on a consistent basis, violence will increase on a temporary basis and will start to deter criminals, lowering violence and crime in the long run.

I think this will be the scenario too. Shootings may rise for awhile due to the criminal nature of things but will then drop. There is a lot to the violence there so at minimum people can now protect themselves.

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 11:30 PM
As I recall, the state of Floridas CCW, the first year.....
Private citizens halted more violent crimes than the police, and i am pretty sure not too many really got shot.....
CCW reduces crime everywhere its been tried so far......

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 01:52 AM
You know what I think will happen? I think the city of Chicago will finally honor the 2nd amendment of the constitution and who cares if it stops or even slightly alters crime at all. That right should have never been "infringed upon" period!

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 04:48 AM
Living in the Chicago area all my life, I suspect at the beginning there might be a few shootouts, but once the criminals realize that citizens will shoot back they will cower in the corners like everlywhere else.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 06:24 AM
Well I hope the cpd wont arrest the wrong citizen attempting to protect his life and property.

Remember just because the law may say, some cops may disagree regardless! !!
edit on 29-6-2013 by sylent6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 07:04 AM
Criminals and criminal elements are, by their very nature, cowards. They prey upon the weak and defenseless. Arm regular citizens and they (the cowardly element) will scurry into hiding.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by resoe26

On the surface the idea is common sense... more guns does indeed equal less crime, but does it equal less bad decisions and less accidents? The law abiding good people of Chicago are not allowed to own guns, and they seem to be fine with that. If the Gov. of the state decideds to allow this, you will now have untrained, ignorant law abiding citizens carrying guns that they have no idea how to use. I'm sure that some people would get trained, but as a guy who has been around guns for 36 years, I can tell you that if the culture is not present, then the respect, confidence, understanding, and most importantly, second nature is not there. This will end in disaster, but I hope that I am wrong. The best case scenario is that this idea actually does work, and there is a significant decrease in Chicago gun violence over time, which would validate the pro-gun argument.

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by SpaDe_

Originally posted by resoe26
Question is, will this deter criminals, or will the violence be enhanced?

How is that the question? Putting forth a little logic and taking a look at all the other cities around the country that already allow concealed carry, one could easily figure out the answer to that. The real question is will they actually finally allow the citizens of Chicago to concealed carry and defend themselves like the rest of the nation, or will they leave the law abiding citizens unarmed as potential victims in a crime ridden city?

I tell you how my question is rational, what if the local gangbangers that can apply and be granted a concealed weapon do so? No ALL of the people that could potentially qualify for a concealed carry permit are going to be meaning well. This happens in many other states. I live in NW Indiana, and many of the homeboys over here have straps

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by sulaw
reply to post by resoe26

As I live in the south side of Chicago I am anticipating our Quin to do "something" for the people and sign this bill and not pocket veto it.

I will tell you this now take it how you will. You will see shootings rise the first year, year and a half as the "thugs" will still try to pull the same ol same ol. But once the thugs realize that the granny with a walker is packing a saw'd off shotgun under her skirt, the crime rates will then start to decline mimicing the CCW state that this bill is identicle to.

Just a few pennies from the corrupt in Chicago

Agreed. Peoples minds will change when they begin to realize that someone might be packin some heat.

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
This is going to be pure popcorn level entertainment when this finally becomes law in the last dark little corner that's tried to keep it from the people as their Right. SO much will happen ....they'll be almost nothing to report! As has happened everywhere else! Predictions of doom, gloom and gunfights in the street never amount to more than hyperbole and the ranting of people who know no better ...or appeal to those who don't.

They keep coming back like this even though many examples of the reverse can be shown. They have spent so many years in the doom and gloom.

Even the old language...."well meaning" for example.....which is just another word for "stupid" to them. They have all the answers you know. They need to learn to get off of ground they have lost that was impossible to keep anyway. And heck really no one has been listening to the C&C naysayers for some time now but they still pop up like an old ghost. Well They know its going to be bad when in several years good hard numbers can be shown once again to back up the C&C side of the thing.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by resoe26

This city, where violent street gangs shoot it out dozens of times a week despite some of the nation’s toughest restrictions on guns

And we can stop right there...

Gun Control advocates constantly harp about how legislation will reduce crime...yet here we have a city facing tough crime issues, yet also has some of the toughest restrictions on guns.

Gun Freedom advocates claim that criminals skirt the gun restrictions, and so the laws only affect law-abiding citizens, and do nothing to limit crime.

Guess who was just proven right.......

Do you really think these gang members are coming into these guns legitimately, or having to do the waiting period, background checks, etc.? Of course not.

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