posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by fenian8
Exactly, Muslims are aware of how any perceived prejudice against them will be seized upon, and whites will come in for attack and censure, my both
Muslims and white useful idiots. Remember in 2006 when the 12 Danish cartoons mocking Islam appeared in Jyllands-Posten, another three supposedly
depicting Mohammed, far more offensive than the others, were drawn up by Danish Imams and sent across the Middle East. This had the desired effect of
inciting Muslim rage across the world. Even when these extra three cartoons and their suspect nature had been discovered, certain news networks,
including the BBC, continued to maintain that Jyllands-Posten were responsible for these particular cartoons, one of which was merely a photo of a
comedian in a pig costume. The Imams continued to insist that these cartoons were Danish and declared that their inclusion was to "give an insight in
how hateful the atmosphere in Denmark is towards Muslims.”
Meanwhile there are numerous examples of Muslims attacking Mosques and properties owned my Muslims, and leaving racist graffiti or 'EDL' at the
scene in an attempt to implicate whites.