posted on May, 18 2003 @ 06:33 PM
There are companies that make nothing but ethanol powered cars in South America (Ethanol is made from corn, cleaner than normal gasoline and totally
renewable, just grow more corn).
The big thing is that the major oil concerns are always going to find a way to make sure that normal fossil fuels are financially more sound than any
alternative energy source.
For decades, it has been standard practice for the oil cartels to buy any new alternative energy source that worked, and stick them in a closet
somewhere so that it was never developed to something commercially viable, and therefore posing a threat to the oil companies.
Consider that electric cars are not new: An article written by Jay Leno, who is a car collecting fanatic, he said that he owned an electric car built
around 1905, and still used the original battery (which worked just fine, he drives this thing around his estate). He said the max range for this old
car is about 100 miles on a single charge. He then pointed out that the max range for the new Honda Insight electric car (about $25K!) on a single
charge is 120 miles.... So in almost 100 years, we only get an additional 20 miles range?
Point is, alternative fuel technology has always been there... the oil companies are not going to let go of the market though.