posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:45 AM
then there is the Hindu 3 fold blockage:
in Kundalini, there are 3 "Locks" to can "let the kundalini [ the snake] to flow " :
at the root, the Brahma lock
at the heart, the "Vishnu lock "
and at the head the "Rudra lock "
no i dont endorse kundalini
its nothing more as Evils pimping up this poor frame by Evils energy
but the point here is,
that Brahma = the Spell , the same as "Judahs shriek"
..the Vishnu lock = the heart, the heart of stone, Vishnu is Anubis, who presides over the heart [ that is: imprisoning the heart] , that is why
"judah lifted the large stone"
..and the third yoga lock, is "the Rudra lock" ; rudra is the stormgod, Sight , that is why "Judahs eyes dropped with blood "...since the 3d lock
is about Sight
in Yoga [ raising the kundalini] , certain methods have to be applied, in order to "undo those 3 locks", which basically means "inviting these 3
but , ofcourse, all a person will get, is the spiritual sphere of influence of those DEITIES -
and will therefore NOT reach Heaven
...but only the sphere of influence of these deities - ascended masters -
the story of Joseph wanting to see his youngest brother.....and Judah 3 x resisting... IS about these three Rings....these 3 consciousnesses
..Joseph wanted Heaven Itself... but got Resisted 3 times...