posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 11:33 AM
Interesting part in the new 'Man of Steel' movie where a DARPA station in Antarctica is 'colouring' pictures of the icy environment and pretending
that it is mars for all the people of the world to speculate over.
This is very accurate as to what is actually happening.
Why? Cause there is no way on Earth they are ever going to show us the structures and ruins they are REALLY looking at on Mars.
How do we keep them entertained .. Chuck a statue of a lizard from someones living room in here .. a CD there .. Keep them wondering ..
Like distracting seagulls with shiny objects .. LITERALLY!!
This is not real footage people .. look at the coloration on the curves of the environment .. Its color-filtered. Is the world really that stupid??
C'mon people!!!!!
Take any picture of an icy desert in Antarctica, then use photoshop on it .. see what you get ..
It does NOT take it as long to beam back images as they are telling you. That's how long it takes them to apply the photoshop effects on the
You don't believe they would lie and release fake pictures to the people?? Then I suggest you do a little research on the history of 'mars imagery'
and their complete 'balls up' in the fakes of the past, including getting the colour of the atmosphere wrong.
Its just like pretending to throw a ball to a dog you're sick of chucking it to .. then hiding it .. Keeps them busy and out of your hair ..
Don't be so foolish!
edit on 29-6-2013 by BornOfSin because: (no reason given)