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53 year old white lady's marriage ended by Waka Flocka.

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posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 05:23 PM
I found this story entertaining. A good example of prejudice and mistreatment by certain peoples to their partners.

Basically, a middle-aged woman who enjoyed reviewing music, (hip hop & rap) pushed passed her husband's prejudices and left him by the way side.

She was a blogger and online reviewer, who didn't think much of her hobby until Waka Flocka began retweeting her posts on twitter. That gave her enough courage to follow a passion she had, and it eventually led to the dissolution of her marriage.

Going to see Waka Flocka Flame in concert was the final nail in the coffin of my marriage. Let me explain.

In attempting to learn more about Twitter, I found musicians were doing a better job of social media promotion than most social media experts. I blogged about two rap artists who got social media right, Waka being one of them. He retweeted my post and graciously followed me on Twitter when I asked.

This truly changed my life. As I learned more about Waka (and the entire Brick Squad Monopoly group of talented artists) I got back in touch with my musical roots and interests, and began expanding my follows to include more rap and hip hop artists than social media experts. Through this period, I began blogging reviews of upcoming artists. I was able to meet (via Twitter) some amazing artists and talents, and not just rap musicians but actors, writers, country and rock artists…a truly awesome mix of talent and celebrity.

So Waka’s following and retweeting me gave me happiness, more followers and credibility. He started my new career of reviewing rap artists. I can’t ever thank him enough.

I can picture so many regular couples sitting around bashing each other ...

"Pfft, you're not good enough for that."

"You aren't one of those people."

"You can't be like that."

In this case, I don't see why the husband had to be such a dumbass. He was getting what was coming to him. Just because a famous person is connecting to their fanbase, it doesn't mean they're putting a target on your marriage or your loved one to screw things up between the two.

It's a given that many people would betray their oaths for "One night with someone famous"... and some couples even make agreements that they have a bypass should they ever get the chance.

But really, are you so insecure you are worried about your wife running off with someone clearly out of her league? Far from reality?

The woman has a lot going for her. I don't see her being the next Mrs. Wacka Flocka however, something the husband might have considered before getting all worked up over the matter. And instead addressing actual issues between the two of them.

The moral of this story? Don’t EVER let anyone else keep you from your bliss, no matter what that may be. If someone truly loves you, they will come along for the adventure. Otherwise, get the heck out and live your life to the fullest. Believe me, you’ll sleep better at night and have a song in your heart.

Funny story.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 05:32 PM
This is one for the record books. Personally I only listen to Waka Flocka when I feel I want to just have fun and be wild. There are much better rappers out there. However, I can agree that a lot of entertainers know how to be successful in social networking. It's interesting how a marriage can end just like that. Tells me their marriage was on the rocks.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 05:33 PM

If I had to listen to this every day, I'd be filing for divorce too.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix267
This is one for the record books. Personally I only listen to Waka Flocka when I feel I want to just have fun and be wild. There are much better rappers out there. However, I can agree that a lot of entertainers know how to be successful in social networking. It's interesting how a marriage can end just like that. Tells me their marriage was on the rocks.

It's obvious the marriage had a number of problems but they culminated into this one pressing issue. I see this often when I hear reasons of why couples break up, "It's because ______ and ______."

People have a hard time admitting what the real issue is.

Rarely do you actually get a straight answer. Especially the more years that go by. Heck, I know some people that are at odds with people and they can't even remember why. Cue making stuff up or blowing things out of proportion.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 05:44 PM
I'm not sure what a Waka Flacka is, but at least she gave a straight answer as to why she wanted a divorce. Good for her.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 06:09 PM
Forgive me, but who is Waka Flocka? I'll google him now but I've never heard of him and I'm only 23.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by samuel1990

Don't worry! I'm 24 and I barley know anything about the mainstream today. He's a rapper from Atlanta. A lot of his music is not the best. Unless you just like random gibberish that he tries to make sound tough. There are much better rappers out there, but Waka Flocka does have a few good songs to listen to if you want to party.

Here is a song I like by him.

edit on 24-6-2013 by Phoenix267 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:42 PM
Reality check:

53 year old white lady's marriage ended by the constant negativism and lack of support she was recieving from her spouse.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Phoenix267

See... if you want to party, then I always advise that one should party hard.

Like that really.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 08:36 PM
In life you have two choices, either work at a job the may or may not make ends meet and that your really don't like all that much or follow your heart and do what brings you joy and happiness. The former is a physical and spiritual drain and the latter is not a job but a joy. Unfortunately we find out about this, if at all, late in life and either continue as we have always done or do as this lady has and followed her heart. Good for her!

Now as for her husband and his issues with her hobby, he clearly has a problem. Just because his wife likes RAP and HIP HOP should have absolutely no bearing on their marriage. Personally I chose to love my wife, please note it is not based upon the emotion which can change in an instant but on a foundation that can not be altered, choice. My wife likes Country music, Jazz, Blues and Trance. We share the exact same interests except for Country music which I would not be saddened if I never heard it again. She also has FaceBook and Twitter which I consider a waste of time. However, does this effect our marriage, no, not in the least. Simply put there is nothing that can break it because I chose to love my wife. On the surface it looks like her husband never chose to love her, if he had, her hobby wouldn't have mattered and he would have supported her.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:51 PM
Hard In Da Paint.

What, he left the brush in? It will do that. You're supposed to wake the brush out and wash the bristles or it will go dry. Silly twit. What was he thinking. What was he painting??? I don't get it, but never the less, I won't be asking him to renovate the house any time soon.

Ugh I think the husband got the better end of the deal out of this weird and strange story.

Poor guy seems to have had it rough.. I hope there's a bourbon and coke in it for him...

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
Reality check:

53 year old white lady's marriage ended by the constant negativism and lack of support she was recieving from her spouse.

But Waka Flocka????
I can think of more talented people to connect with than that. To each their own I guess.

edit on 29-6-2013 by Taupin Desciple because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
Reality check:

53 year old white lady's marriage ended by the constant negativism and lack of support she was recieving from her spouse.

LoL Ditto except I would insert 'perceived' before the constant negativism.

This chick screams 'wanting to relive her youth' I have a feeling that she will be found on many many internet dating sites soon complaining about feeling lonely.

I think it was good advice complaining about her blogging about crappy rappers, she should have used it as an opportunity to discover some of the real talent.

RIP another marriage

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by FriedBabelBroccoli

Originally posted by TrueBrit
Reality check:

53 year old white lady's marriage ended by the constant negativism and lack of support she was recieving from her spouse.

LoL Ditto except I would insert 'perceived' before the constant negativism.

This chick screams 'wanting to relive her youth' I have a feeling that she will be found on many many internet dating sites soon complaining about feeling lonely.

I think it was good advice complaining about her blogging about crappy rappers, she should have used it as an opportunity to discover some of the real talent.

RIP another marriage

Real talent requires more than a microphone and pretentions of poet status, plus ownership of a baseball cap and some poorly fitted trousers.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 01:57 AM
I don't know, in this case where the husband did not beat or cheat on her and nor did she to him. I think its pretty ignorant to be passing judgment on who did what in their marriage and who is "wrong".
The lady seems kind of dumb, it looks like she has this fixation on her age and race. The whole thing reminds me of those old guys that i see at shows that just don't shut the hell up about how old they are and the fact that they are there. Im not going to say what waka flucka is a bad artist but to compare him to Jim Morrison is just stupid, would you compare Justin Bieber to Johnny Cash?
Should also keep in mind that this is written by her and to think with context. If out of the blue she decided to start listening to Waka Flocka chances are that is not the only sudden drastic change that has happened with her recently. People marry eachother for who they are knowing who they were, they shouldn't be obligated to continue to stay with people once they become someone else.

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