reply to post by ThinkingHuman
Dear ThinkingHuman,
You did not cross any line, that was not what I meant. When I read people say that God is mean and this and that, it is often because something
happened in their life that they felt was unfair.
But let me have you ponder the question first for yourself. Trying to impress God? Your family? Because God is in that church? Because God would not
approve of you if you didn't go? Why do you go (I mean this seriously)?
Fair enough. I attend because people have questions and want to have a better understanding. I preach at church. As for going to church, it is not
necessary for salvation and it doesn't make someone a Christian. We are also told that we should have fellowship with other believers and church is a
convenient place for that. What most people call church is a building, the word actually refers to the body of believers, not a building.
Of course you are free to go to church if you wish to be there. I have met many people who felt pressured to be there and I tell them they shouldn't.
What gives me that right, well, I think I have the right to tell people who attend our services that they don't have to if they don't want to. I
don't want to see members of our congregation pressuring people into going and I want them to know that.
define "good". I try to use words according to its definition, plain and simple. It would make it easier if the Bible did so, too. You said, there
are many metaphors and parables. Anybody can interpret those however it's convenient. In other words, the Bible means whatever people want it to
What do you think it's plain definition is? The bible uses it in one way, it says there is none good but God. It uses it to say that only God is
perfect or completeness. As we lack perfection and completeness, we are not "good".
The bible does use metaphors and parables. Jesus used parables to explain things because they work and then he would explain what the parable meant.
Revelations is full of imagery meant to represent many things. The bible describes "the beast" with imagery. Most of the images can be interpreted
as they were used in other books of the bible and explained at the earlier times.
"You complain that God controlling the world in the future would be tyranny yet, you wish him to take control now and make everyone nice and stop all
pain." Again, I have come to disbelieve in a Christian God. So, No, I do not complain about God doing anything. But I am wary about those who claim
to know what is "God's will", or what God did, or would do, or should do.
I certainly did not claim to know God's will; but, I can read the bible to get a better understanding. Still, why did you use the word tyranny in
relationship to what the world would be like if God ruled the world. Perhaps you meant if people ruled the world in a theocracy.
I am not cutting and pasting well so I will retype something you said. I said a universal sentience was God and you asked me if the bible says that.
It does. " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The name of God is "I am". Isn't that what we were
saying when we were talking about sentience.
So how long did it take? Or does it not matter? Do any facts matter or are they too inconvenient to analyze?
How could we possibly know how long it took if we don't know how long a day was prior to the earth being created? How long was it before we had the
big bang? Can that be measured? Assuming the bible has a purpose and the purpose is to help people understand that they are spiritual in nature. What
does it matter? The book of Genesis gives us very little information, it certainly does not go into a lot of detail. Honestly, I watch some Christians
become irrationally obsessed with "creationism" as if that was how we were to spend our time. Look at the order of things in the creation, same as
what science says. Planets formed, waters came, sea life, land life, animals. In quantum science we see things that contradict what we would expect,
it doesn't mean what we are observing didn't happen, it means we have figured out how they fit together.