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Paula Deen uses the N-Word - gets sued - right or worng?

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posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 10:55 PM
I really don't like her or the word. I have a gut feeling that Ms. Deen may be a bit mean behind the scenes. However, that doesn't mean she has less of a right to free speech than anyone else. I am offended at EVERYONE else's offendedness. A bear can't crap in the woods without offending someone these days and the shock value of throngs of folks shouting the extent of their "offendedness" to everyone else has left me mostly numb and a little pissed off.

For generations "sticks and stones" was the rally cry... Now it's Kalfus & Nachman. :shk: The PC speech movement has become a monster that is eating everything in it's path. Everyone is offended by something... in the end the only solution would be for everyone to STFU. Not realistic.
edit on 6/21/2013 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 11:02 PM
All I know is that if deen was black, and if jackson was white, and if deen had used the "c" word or the "h" word( hint: they rhyme with smacker and donkey)----NO ONE WOULD CARE!!!!

And that, my fellow PC Amerikans is the gospel truth

Edit: so I read that jackson is also white. If true that doesn't take away the validity of my statement.
edit on 21-6-2013 by riffraff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

I've admired your signature for awhile, I didn't want to waste a post saying I recognized it. But since you mentioned online gaming it seems like a perfect time to say it. And yes that word is thrown around by EVERYONE but me online .I was called a trailor trash white n...r just last night. COD rules!!! I'm a master prestige with all guns diamond BTW.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 11:48 PM
Is Al Shapton involed ? If not then there is no money to be had here.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

The day they stop calling us crackers and honkey's.......I swear i'm done with that race. Sick of double standards..
And im sick of "that" race hating cops.. Im sorry but when 85%+ of the people that shoot at you or that you have to chase are that "race" you damn right id profile too.. How come that show bait car isn't in a white neighborhood? Duh the car would just sit there forever. People can be blind to the facts and call it racist whatever. All races have been persecuated and slaves but they all got their # together.. Why can't they?


edit on 21-6-2013 by GermanShep because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-6-2013 by GermanShep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:12 AM
In the opening post I made it is claimed that she said the N work while making jokes.

In this video on TMZ it is claimed she said the N word to her husband in the privacy of her own home to describe a black man who had just attacked her.

Now, if I was attacked by a black man, I'll be inclined to go home and tell my wife that N attacked me too - if the shoe fits - wear it. To me the use of the N word is Not racist in this context. Of course she was mad as hell she got attacked and was describing the attitude of the person that attacked her. She used the N word as an adjective.

So it seems twice now she has used the N word once privately in her own home and once while telling jokes.She never called another person a N one time.

The media is making a circus out of this. TMZ is blasting her for using this [horrible horrible] word and yet, for another video they stoop as low as to make raunchy sexual innuendos to Jessica Alba. This shows the hypocrisy and agenda of the media. Jessica Alba -- Back on All Fours! -
edit on 22-6-2013 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:20 AM
I am honestly astounded and horrified by the amount of people who think she shouldn't be punished for saying a RACIST term. RACISM is not okay no matter what. She shouldn't be promoted or ever make another dime again for being an ignorant RACIST and perpetuating the stereotype of southern people... and not to mention the unhealthy lifestyle she condones for a buck while having diabetes! "Political Correctness" no, being considerate and realizing words can still hurt people, YES.

Deny ignorance, think outward and upward. Sometimes your disdain for politics and the government leave a lot of you clouded on the most simple of subjects. Clouding your brain works both ways.

"But rap songs say it." Cool, doesn't mean you should. Be a better person. As a white male, I'm fine with understanding that we can't do whatever we want and say whatever we feel like we should be able to. What kind of sick mind wants to throw that kind of wedding, anyway? A racist mind.

"A word is not crystal, transparent, and unchanged. It is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and the time in which it is used." - No matter your personal view though, she used the word racially and that is NOT right.
edit on 6/22/2013 by ThePawnsTheory because: added content

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by ThePawnsTheory

I have a idea how's about white people get a free pass until the free pass black people have is revoked. I think this is fair. I am sick of hearing the sob stories when in reality black people have more rights then white people have.

And I am also sick of people sitting in towers made of salt. I really am. I bet 99% of the people crying about this have been politically incorrect at some time in there lives.

Everyone should have equal rights.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:46 AM
The "N- Word" carries a very negative connotation....especially after the slavery period in this country and the treatment of blacks (technically the Negro race) in this country under segregation and beyond. However, semantically is not calling a white or caucasian person "Whitey" (or "cracker") essentially the same thing? Afterall, the word 'n-word' is a derogatory derivative of the latin and spanish word for black which is niger (as "whitey" is to white.....I am surprised that no one came up with the word "chalkasian" as a reference to white chalk and caucasian).

Is there an automatic censor on this soon as I typed the word "n-i-g-g-e-r" it was changed to "n-word" (as used from "Afterall, the word...."?? Funny when I go to edit for this addendum it still shows the original word on my pc above.
edit on 22-6-2013 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by SubTruth

Why do you have the need to say it? Honestly, why do you need a pass to say it at all? Why does that word need to be said? So what, they say it. It's not derogatory when they say it to one another, most of the time anyway. Maybe you don't get to witness that racism is still very alive a lot... but it is. Most of the time, when another ethnicity says it to them it IS not in good will.

...and please, PLEASE, give me some proof that they have more "rights" than us. Please. I see this all of the time but the evidence is usually very refutable. We should quit making ourselves the victim to subconsciously ease our feelings. Maybe it's our ego that wants us to feel like we NEED to be able to say it? We don't need to. We shouldn't. We should get over it and move on and spread happiness and love instead of playing the victim. There's plenty of other things to be angry about. You wanting to use a racist word is not one of them. If you want to say the word, you can. You've got "freedom of speech" but there is a moral code here.

Oh! The white man can reach the stars! ...Oh, but he can't say the n-word. I guess we lose.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by ThePawnsTheory
I am honestly astounded and horrified by the amount of people who think she shouldn't be punished for saying a RACIST term. RACISM is not okay no matter what.

So you would repeal Freedom of Speech?

She admitted saying the word to her husband in the privacy of her own home. Should we have audio sensors in our homes that detect when we say these things and send us fines or summons to report to prison?

She admitted to using the word while telling jokes to her employees in the privacy of her own business establishment.. Should we outlaw jokes? Who is going to approve acceptable content? You? Sounds like 1984 to me. Do you want Big Brothers job?

Again take Note that she never called anyone the N word. According to you, we can't have freedom of speech in our homes, in our business's or anywhere. You do know it is not illegal to be a racists don't you? You do know it is not illegal to have a strong opinion and to voice that opinion don't you?

O.k. so.. can't use racist terms. Can we criticize The Government? Can we call a corrupt politician a dirty scum bag? How far are you willing to take this?
edit on 22-6-2013 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I'm saying don't say offensive terms and expect for it to be written off. Don't say it at you your place of business. That was extremely dumb. It's not illegal to be a racist but it's morally wrong. "Jokes" are a completely other thing and GREATLY depends on the structure of the joke, honestly. Offensive jokes made to shock and be edgy shouldn't be said. Racist jokes included, along with things such as rape jokes. I'm all for privacy but guess what, this isn't a private matter anymore. It got out that she was saying a racial term. Would you put your "rights" on the line for people to not get offended or hurt emotionally? Probably not. I understand to a degree but I find that selfish. We've become a very selfish species.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by ThePawnsTheory
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I'm saying don't say offensive terms and expect for it to be written off. Don't say it at you your place of business. That was extremely dumb. It's not illegal to be a racist but it's morally wrong. "Jokes" are a completely other thing and GREATLY depends on the structure of the joke, honestly. Offensive jokes made to shock and be edgy shouldn't be said. Racist jokes included, along with things such as rape jokes. I'm all for privacy but guess what, this isn't a private matter anymore. It got out that she was saying a racial term. Would you put your "rights" on the line for people to not get offended or hurt emotionally? Probably not. I understand to a degree but I find that selfish. We've become a very selfish species.

I defend her right to say any racist term she wants in her own private places.. home and business. So what it got out - big deal. I tell people, you dont like the way I talk, don't listen. If she didn't say it in public, and she didn't use the word to call someone a N___ ( of which she did neither) then this should be a Non Issue.

I don't care how morally wrong people think it is - it was her right to say it. Government should not have a right to censor what we say in our private places - and yes, her business is a private establishment - the people there are simply guests who must abide by her rules if they want to eat there, same goes for any employees. To me, that's not being selfish, it's called freedom to pursue Life Liberty and Happiness as you see fit.

The crux here is did this crate a hostile work environment for Lisa Jackson - I don't see how it can - Lisa Jackson willingly stayed there for 5 years. I can't wait until she's cross examined and asked, " If you were so uncomfortable, why didn't you leave?" You know.. Most other people IF this was such a problem would have called authorities way before 5 years time - this tells me there is something very wrong with Ms Jackson. How can she willingly stay in a job for 5 years if she was being legally mistreated? Now if Paula forced her every night to listen to off color jokes that would be different.

I maintain Ms Jackson has more of a problem with the brother Bubba and Paula was simply a victim in this matter.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
Paula Deen makes public apology and pleads that her and her family are not the kind of people the media is trying to make them out to be.


Haven't people learned from Michael Richards and Don Imus that apologizing profusely for this is the absolute worst strategy you can adopt? Both of those guys beat themselves to death publicly over words spoken and, ultimately, all of their apologies did nothing but add more fuel to the fires. It's America... people are free to harbor unpopular and even disrespectful views all they want without needing to ever apologize for their thoughts or words.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 04:39 AM
This ole Mississippi girl has always thought Paula Deen was a fake. I don't care what the woman says!! I do not use the N word. I feel stupid typing the 'N word' ... I don't care what name you call me, but it you call me a cracker, you had better make it a Ritz!

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 05:40 AM
You get the N word in TV and Movie shows, do they get sued?
You hear in music lyrics, does the artist or label get sued?
No, isn't it about time that people get off their self imposed moral high horses and treat words as that, WORDS.
I remember the old saying " Sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS can NEVER hurt me", apparently these days it cant hurt to sue for hurt feelings.
FFS get over yourselves, if it offends then ask to make it a crime to use it, after all the Governments make crimes for littering, and other pointless activities.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 08:02 AM
so what she said n@##$r,how many blacks are constantly saying it or writing songs about whites this whites that.
It is being blown out of proportion.but dare not say anything if a black person says cracker or whitey or what ever they say.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 08:13 AM
If they don't want to hear the "N" word they shouldn't use it themselves. Until then it's fair game.

Free speech under the First Amendment.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 08:59 AM
ignorance begets ignorance. if someone is stupid and ignorant to use derogatory remarks and think it's ok then it deserves equally stupid and ignorant reaction.

deen was dumb enough to think talking in this manner was ok and jackson saw an opportunity to make cash so see took it.. two wrongs makes money.

20 years ago when jessica sussan wishart sued mcdonald's for a burn from her coffee being "to hot" it opened the floodgate for people making a career out or searching for the opportunity to sue anyone for anything so people dumb enough to vocalize derogatory opinions deserve the consequences especially for the subject matter deen was talking about.

Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants

we'll never be able to eradicate ignorance but we need take every advantage to bring it to light so it can be squashed!

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 09:07 AM
This isn't the south in the sixties (1960s) the worst offenders (of use of the "N-word") are the blacks themselves. Listen to street slang and rap music and you will know what I mean.

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