Originally posted by charles1952
Not to mention..he ignores that ALL life was created by God and so has a right to exist in peace under God and the rest is political
egotistical bullsh*t that has cost millions of lives and is essentially a case of "he who runs the shell game best" wins.....
Don't you think
Israel (sorry for the insult, but that's what the world calls them and I don't have another name for it) would be delighted to have an iron-clad
guarantee that they have a right to exist in peace?
With respect Charles1952
In the temporal world, nothing in life comes with an iron clad guarantee. Nothing. Everything is subject, everything is relative and if I were to put
it simply..they need to ' grow the # up'. The human right and need for validation and legitimacy has nothing to do with land and soil...it is a
matter of the heart. They could have the whole world ..but they loose their soul they have nothing and will still have the *need* to feel validated
and legitimate. I own no property..no soil..few goods...politically I am an IDP with no active citizenship where I live..yet I don't have this need
pressing on me as they do....as I said..its all relative.
Insofar as the state of Israel goes..we, you and I, can choose to give the baby its bottle or not - the apparent costs of doing so and the potential
cost of not doing so are all there to see and witness before you make your choice. When it comes to 'want' however...the ground is even more unstable.
I want a million dollars..it does not mean I am entitled, or going to get it. It doesn't mean that getting it will actually HELP me..or that anyone
has it to spare to offer in the first place. It also doesn't mean I have an inherent right to steal it because I don't have it or intimidate others
into giving it to me.
Consider too...a child 'wants' this or that..until he has it..then he is immediately unsatisfied and wants another thing, The prophetic sects that
hold power over the Knesset have stated openly wish to posses ALL the lands from one end of the ME to the other in order to fulfill prophecy and bring
about a new golden calf..or age. Are you prepared to give it to them? What if they, like Bush did, claim " God" wills this action? How will you verify
it then if you are not willing to challenge their claim now against the Torah - which CLEARLY states the exile of the tribe of Judah must continue
until GOD himself brings " Israel" together...God mind you..not the UK..US..or UN.
If you appease this fantasy now, how will you pop the bubble later? Didn't the nations all appease Hitler too?
Consider as well how many times you have ***thought*** you wanted something..given yourself over fully to the gaining of it only to realize after the
fact that - the want- was not the truth of your actual needs or even, what you really wanted at all but rather it is discovered to be a means to an
end, a defensive tool your mind projected and used to protect the real yearnings of your heart from disclosure or evaluation in the light of immature
And too, what if the 'want' is being manipulated? The 'need' you think you have, created for you by those who seek to control and manipulate you?
Don't believe "they" exist? " The kind of people who would do that magic on ignorance? Just ask an advertising agent!
In this world, the ideology of the Knesset is flawed at the core, the military and political systems, sociological programming and economic systems
are all corrupted and based in crafted illusion. This means essentially, they are not "real". What is not "real" does not exist outside of the minds
of those that remain willing to support and reinforce the illusion. It is so diseased that it will fall, eventually on its own, if not hurried by the
hand of fed up people and politicians.
The use of manipulation, deception, lies, criminal force, not to mention bastardizing the Law of God to obtain military and political objectives in
the SOI (State of Israel), makes any outcome there not only "impure' "Unholy" and Unjust" by spiritual standard, it makes it *so* easy to undermine
and devalue in real terms that it's claim to legitimacy is veritable swiss cheese. Stone not sand was the guideline..and this "state" is being built
on the worst kind of sand. And just for arguments sake....even if it is 'honest' and is 100% everything it appears to be, it *still* remains a
political and social suicide in slow motion.
The controllers of the SOI... 'They"...whomever they are today, are either so dumb they think God gave only them minds alone, or they are very smart,
have simple needs and no interest in the spiritual welfare let alone physical continuance of the Israelite people as whole. Either way..the truly
innocent - children and babies are being being burned in their sleep by chemical weapons fire justified by easily viewable lies. That is all that
needs to be seen and understood. Truly. That should be enough.
More, an entire collective of Semitic people, those who had done nothing wrong at all and were not even involved in ww2, has been systematically and
incrementally murdered before everyone's eyes, after being assured of longevity and inclusion ( lied to) in a state sanctioned genocide. How is lying,
murder et al Gods will when it goes against His law? Even worse, are the crimes being committed against their own children, when they raise them to
think that doing these crimes to others is justifiable under Gods Law.....it isn't. Ever.
What happens there now is not growth or colonization leading to a new state that wishes to live peacefully and trade with others in collective
harmony, it is the foundation being laid for the building of a totalitarian empire. It is obfuscation, foot holding, corruption of millions of not
billions world over who really do buy into the lie...some for greed but most..in righteous fear of God. God gave us brains - for a reason is all I
can offer them. THINK!
The formation of the " State of Israel" came about through the sacrifice of the lives of millions of Israelites and non Israelite people...through
economic and political deceit and the bartering of land and soil for human lives by Zionist political groups, people who are *not* of the Tribe of
What is there now is not God calling Israel home, or justice for a lost people or harmed people ( those burned and survived of ww2), it is the insult
added to the injury of that abuse of those people and their struggle so another group may climb on them body and soul. It is abusers, abusing the
abused. Again.
I have it on reasonable authority that this is not what the people of the tribe of Judah " want"...or ever did...and a good majority of those who
remain, stand even today to say NO to the arrogance of Judah as they have at cost, for milenia. These people claim Gods sanction to break Gods law in
order they say, to fulfill Gods word..and I for one..will challenge that until I have no breath...for their sake and mine.
edit on 25-6-2013 by Rosha because: (no reason given)