posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 09:45 AM
After seeing my beliefs confirmed in the Jesse Ventura show how our global crisis is part of a bigger plan.
There is intelligent design in our global problems I just can't tell to what purpose yet.
Many people claim to have the answers like alien invasions, ww3, Satan or the Illuminati wiping out 95% of the population.
I will admit that I'd like to believe the above but there is no actual proof for any of the drawn conclusions.
Just to humor me though, if you were some type of advanced being residing on earth (however you want to define this being be it Annunaki, God or
aliens) and you can not directly interfere using any superpowers would you not create ways to train and educate people to master their own destiny?
We see troughout the Assassins Creed story how Desmons learns in a few weeks/months to be a master assassin but he never actually put these skills to
the test besides climbing a New York building as he meets an unfortunate end.
Could it be that trough cognitive repetition (as in we are what we do and if we play dozens or hundreds of hours as a hero who stops organised crime
we are the ones being trained to be saviors of our earth?
I do not call out to assassinate people to safe the world but I realise being a peacefull protestor has not stopped any of the banks, politicians or
multibillion dollar corporations from carrying out their plans.