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The Cartoon That Will Destroy America And/Or Entertain Some Children

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posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by Glass

1. It appears that the paradigm shifting efforts of the oligarchy consistent with the reasons for the OP cartoon . . . have achieved their goals with regard to your constructions on reality--emphatically.

2. You have clearly bought-into a construction on reality that wholesale PREVENTS your even slightly considering the possibility that your construction on reality might be wrong.

3. I can detect no shred of a possibility in your reply to me that any hint of an authentic dialogue could remotely occur between us.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN


an extremely tyrannical satanic world government requiring every global citizen to worship satan under pain of death for failure to do so.

Are we back to this again..... homos are gonna cause the end of the world?

2. The ruling elite of the world--particularly the "Western world" initially have been moving the whole planet and all the cultures toward such a goal for AT LEAST 400 years according to some quality researchers. Some say the cabal of ruling elite families has remained more or less intact since the fall of Rome.

Maybe in America, but there are other nations out there that think for themselves. Like Australia, like NZ, like the former Soviet Union.....

3. It is abundantly clear that the fallen angels purporting to be ET citizens of distant planets who have claimed to have created mankind . . . etc. etc. etc. are wholesale in cahoots with the ruling elite human cabal toward the goal mentioned in #1.

Names please. If there are fallen angels among us they are eternal beings that would be very old. This would make the most amazing thread in itself.

4. Research has indicated that 70-80% or so of the average population have ABSOLUTELY NO DEFENSE against a propagandistic messages WHEN they are carefully crafted along the lines of; with the memes of; with the themes of; in the jargon of; toward the goals of etc. the major passions of the recipients.

So you are saying that 70 - 80% of the population are so stupid that they just believe what they are told without questioning it? Man, I must be one of the 20 - 30% then...

5. the oligarchy has increasingly played those human passions toward the utter trashing of the OLD ORDER OF THINGS . . . whether one considers the old order the Judeo/Christian values and order or even the Buddhist, Muslim or whatever.

Not really, we are just more interconnected than any time in recorded history. This means that like never before differing views and opinions are aired and people of similar beliefs can group together like never before. This is seen as a threat by the old guard as they are used to having the monopoly on what we hear, see and say.

9. The understanding of many thousands of years that SOMET THINGS ARE WRONG and SOME OTHER THINGS ARE RIGHT has been tossed in the trash and incinerated in favor of an irrational subjective relativism that simply does NOT functionally work well, if at all, in reality life. IT does not matter that it doesn't work. It is the CARDINAL DOCTRINE of the new religions of scientism and atheism and of the ruling elite's full court press propagandized

The core morals of the 10 commandments still stand, they always will. Some things to do with sexuality are being questioned but Adultery can still be defined as sex outside of marriage. etc

11. There has never been in all recorded history THIS LEVEL; THIS COMPREHENSIVENESS; THIS THOROUGHNESS; THIS KIND OF TARGETED DELIBERATE SHREDDING OF THE OLD ORDER in support of a grossly deadly and irrational as well as wholesale destructive NWO.

What about the Roman empire? The white settlers in America? The British empire? These all shredded the lifestyles of the native peoples they sought to assimilate. They still do it now in places like Syria and the middle east.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Glass


1. No individual and certainly no sizeable group of individuals CAN live strictly consistent with RELATIVISM.

2. Trying to dress pig poo up in "rational" is a farce. There's NOTHING rational about relativism.

3. Relativism makes it more than plausible--actually "logically" sanctions--when internally consistent with the paradigm--actually sanctions person "A" murdering person "B" for dinner on a whim--because it's "right for person "A" at that moment, in that context . . . There is NOTHING to call that "wrong."

4. The same relativism declares that this OP cartoon is wonderful . . . though there's no hollow even pretense beyond fantasy as to how one RATIONALLY uses "wonderful" or "evil" at all as remotely viable terms WHEN all is RELATIVE.

5. WHEN there is NO "good" or "evil;" "dreadful" or "wonderful" . . . such terms RATIONALLY have NO MEANING. But go ahead . . . pretend you can live life congruent with relativism.

6. Sooner or later . . . you'll "pretend" fairly emphatically that being kind to a spouse, child or friend is MUCH more GOOD than being murderous and cannibalistic.

7. You'll likely continue to "pretend" that being nice to children at the local fast food is BETTER than machine gunning them all down--even though--strictly speaking--given your construction on reality--there would be ABSOLUTELY NO RATIONAL justification for one over the other.

8. Even though very convoluted and IRRATIONAL mental gymnastics are necessary to even pretend that such a RELATIVISTIC construction on "reality" works . . . you have the cheek to trash value systems and constructions on reality that have mostly worked for millennia.

9. Very 'clever,' that.

10. I'm sure the creators or sponsors behind such as the OP cartoon are thrilled with such transparently absurd mental gymnastics and the resulting chaotic meaninglessness.


[color=6699FF]at least Jean Paul Satre had the mental integrity to realize that:


PRETENDING that there is still meaning hanging by a hair on some sky hook in some fantasized lofty cloud

does NOT really produce foundationally buildable MEANING . . . nor order . . . nor anything else but chaotic destructiveness

edit on 21/6/2013 by BO XIAN because: addition

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:28 AM
I think that every one just needs to loosen up on the "child exposition to sexuality" thing.

Back in the day, right, when most of us lived on farms, and families did'nt have the modern invention of individual beds/rooms/privacy, mummy and daddy were making new babies right next to little Jimmy. It's estimated that due to religious laws about virginity and marriage, the majority of first sexual encounters happened with farm animals. When it was'nt a goat, young men (around twelve back then) would instead go to the brothel. Kids today have it *pretty* easy.

Sexual orientation has never stopped us moving foreward as a species. The greek antiquity saw the beginning of our comprehension of the world through science and philosophy. Those guys were all bi-sexual. Their philosophers were bi. Their warriors were bi. Women were for reproduction, men were for fun.

I doubt any greek kids were emotionaly scarred by this, even the ones who were "initiated" to these practices at what we would consider today to be very underage. (Disclaimer : I know this is a touchy subjet because ermagerd it's about the children, but bear with me) Why did these kids grow up into some of the most influential and brilliant minds are world has ever known (as opposed to the quivering emotional wrecks we would expect) ?

Well, because we are social creatures, who are hardwired into accepting and adapting to social norms. What we consider "normal" is determined by the culture which we grow up in. If the norm is having male lovers, then most people who grow up in that kind of society will be all like "ok, cool where's the lube". We are social mimics. It is when we stray outside the socially accepted norms that anguish and emotional scarring can be caused, because as social beings, the worst thing that we can lose is the approval of the group.

People who get up on their high horses about cross-dressing, transgender, gay, bi, BDSM are enforcing a cultural norm. They are reacting in defence of the values that they were taught. Most of us have been created by a very stuck-up judeo-christian culture, with very rigid views on sexuality (it must be between a man and a woman, that is the only acceptable configuration). With christianity losing it's grip on politics, the tendancy is thankfully changing.

I say thankfully, because the social exclusion and anguish that result from these "socially unnaceptable" practices is damaging to many human beings who have "alternative sexualities". There is no "natural" sexual norm. There is only cultural norm. We are a social species that practices social sexuality. Over 450 animal species practice homosexuality. Only one of those practices discrimination based on sexual orientation. Yup. Us.

edit on 21-6-2013 by Ismail because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:33 AM
Holy crap it is a cartoon some people on here is acting like we will be all clubbing each other in the streets eating each other because of it.....
You don't have to watch it you know nor let your kids watch it....
Oh and Bo your generation had its chance so let the newer ones try and sort out stuff which you failed to do.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by markosity1973

Alas, sadly, your responses did not meaningfully connect with any of the points I made that they were purportedly replying to. It is not meaningful to me to even bother trying to refute your assertions beyond the following.

1. Homosexuals in and of themselves are a minor side show. They are merely one of many interest groups that the king of hell uses to shred humanity and as many individuals' relationships with God Almighty that he can. It's the only way he can throw sand toward God's eyes for God kicking him out of Heaven and consigning him to his ultimate dreadful destiny.

2. No. There are no nations left out there wherein the bulk of the populace and certainly not the key leadership truly think for themselves independent of the oligarchy and critters' very effective Neuro Linguistic and other programming, conditioning efforts. Imho, it is unaware, uninformed, even ignorant folly to assume otherwise.

3. You seem to be utterly unaware of what I was saying about the 70-80%. They evidently have a GENETIC PREDISPOSITION AND INCAPACITY to [color=CC6699]prevent being wholesale and effectively influenced by tailor-made Neuro Linguistic and other conditioning efforts. It has nothing to do with "stupidity," per se. It is an inborn, ingrained INCAPACITY. It is a bit like a fish trying to appreciate the finer points of riding a bicycle.

4. No. The core values depicted in the TEN COMMANDMENTS do not stand in the new paradigm. The very definitions have been shredded as well as the dynamics and interrelationships involved. Even the Almighty God behind the Ten Commandments has been defined out of existence.

5. The Roman Empire and white settlers did NOT COME CLOSE to shredding values, relationships, social structures, cultures etc. as much as the oligarchy has already achieved and is close to even more overwhelmingly and comprehensively achieving.

6. The Roman Empire still had some value supporting marriage and family. The oligarchy has shredded that wholesale and is about to succeed in shredding it even further. Their goal is the utter destruction of the family and the rearing of carefully chosen genetic children by THE STATE.

7. Similarly the Native Americans retained the bulk of their values whether they were allowed to live them out, or not. They still valued marriage and family. They still valued their constructions on their relationships with THE INFINITE.

8. The OP cartoon is part and parcel of a massive centuries long and largely successful effort to trash all the old values of any significant constructiveness at all. The king of hell hates God's order of any sort or degree. The only order he appreciates above chaos is [color=CC9966]utter worshipful slavish sacrificial masochistic dedication TO HIM.

edit on 21/6/2013 by BO XIAN because: addition

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

You seem to have no comprehension


it is IMPOSSIBLE for your generation to

"[color=6699FF]sort out" ANYTHING because



[color=CC6699]it is that ALL IS CHAOS at a foundational level covered over with a white wash of residue from the old Judeo/Christian and other substrates where there was a GOOD and a BAD.

I don't see any writers on this thread even demonstrating the slightest capacity to even begin to GRASP THAT. They may have such a capacity but I sure don't see it in evidence.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

The cartoon is a drop in the bucket. It just happens to be a meaningful dreadful drop adding to billions of drops already wearing the culture down into oblivion with a worse than the dripping water torture.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:46 AM
I think it's obvious that those who oppose equality based on sexuality and gender, are the base on any "evil" in this world.

They try and make out that they are right and good, but you can feel the darkness in every jusitification they make for trying to pus people down.

Who do you think works for the dark side, those who wish for all people to be treated equally, ot those who wish to slice society up into us and them.
We are staright and good, they are gay and evil. such nonsense acepted by those who are deficient in their soul.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by markosity1973

Alas, sadly, your responses did not meaningfully connect with any of the points I made that they were purportedly replying to. It is not meaningful to me to even bother trying to refute your assertions beyond the following.

That's because I disagree with what you are saying.

1. Homosexuals in and of themselves are a minor side show. They are merely one of many interest groups that the king of hell uses to shred humanity and as many individuals' relationships with God Almighty that he can. It's the only way he can throw sand toward God's eyes for God kicking him out of Heaven and consigning him to his ultimate dreadful destiny.

If we are so minor, why do you fight us so vehemently.

2. No. There are no nations left out there wherein the bulk of the populace and certainly not the key leadership truly think for themselves independent of the oligarchy and critters' very effective Neuro Linguistic and other programming, conditioning efforts. Imho, it is unaware, uninformed, even ignorant folly to assume otherwise.

Man, you need to get out more. Not everywhere is as micro controlled and monitored as the USA

3. You seem to be utterly unaware of what I was saying about the 70-80%. They evidently have a GENETIC PREDISPOSITION AND INCAPACITY to [color=CC6699]prevent being wholesale and effectively influenced by tailor-made Neuro Linguistic and other conditioning efforts. It has nothing to do with "stupidity," per se. It is an inborn, ingrained INCAPACITY. It is a bit like a fish trying to appreciate the finer points of riding a bicycle.

Here we go with the genetic dispositions again. It's just a polite way for you to call them stupid.

4. No. The core values depicted in the TEN COMMANDMENTS do not stand in the new paradigm. The very definitions have been shredded as well as the dynamics and interrelationships involved. Even the Almighty God behind the Ten Commandments has been defined out of existence.

Based on the assumption that I personally agree with that he is real, then no stroke of a pen in some great hall here on earth is gonna make him cease to exist.

5. The Roman Empire and white settlers did NOT COME CLOSE to shredding values, relationships, social structures, cultures etc. as much as the oligarchy has already achieved and is close to even more overwhelmingly and comprehensively achieving.

Then why is the book of revelation all about the hope of the fall of the Roman empire? (Yes I know it is relevant to our time, but it was interpreted back in the day to be the prediction of the end on the empire) Romans were open and accpeting of homosexuality and all kinds of other sexuality, they had a pantheon of pagan gods, they kept slaves, they actively expanded the empire and above all else they considered themselves to be the light of the ancient world. How is this not the same?

6. The Roman Empire still had some value supporting marriage and family. The oligarchy has shredded that wholesale and is about to succeed in shredding it even further. Their goal is the utter destruction of the family and the rearing of carefully chosen genetic children by THE STATE.

Back this up please.

7. Similarly the Native Americans retained the bulk of their values whether they were allowed to live them out, or not. They still valued marriage and family. They still valued their constructions on their relationships with THE INFINITE.

Only after being nearly wiped out by a carefully crafted geoncide. The plight of the original peoples of the Americas is one of the greatest crimes of humanity and it has been totally covered up.

8. The OP cartoon is part and parcel of a massive centuries long and largely successful effort to trash all the old values of any significant constructiveness at all. The king of hell hates God's order of any sort or degree. The only order he appreciates above chaos is utter slavish sacrificial masochistic dedication TO HIM.

You don't get it do you. If God is as all powerful as you believe, then he can never be defeated and all of this is just some bizarre sideshow. Stop stressing and start trusting and believing. It's not good for your health. I'm not concerned in the slightest about the horrors you say are on our doorstep. Love, hope and faith still remain, I say this even though I am one of the 'damned'
edit on 21-6-2013 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by Ismail

1. How is it that INCLUSION in a meaningless category or criteria or qualification is functional?

2. [color=6699FF]when there is NO standard of right or wrong . . . how does INCLUSION work?


4. Yet, your paradigm does NOT ALLOW FOR ANY "good," "better" or "best!"

5. Oh, I get it--trash all hint of "Good" or "Bad," EXCEPT when it's useful to pretend otherwise!

Riiiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhhhhht. What a solid foundation to build anything on. !NOT!

When the absurd it not even remotely recognized as the absurd . . . we are INDEED in deep doo doo.

edit on 21/6/2013 by BO XIAN because: fix a tag

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Best, Better, Good, are human inventions. They generally serve some form of practicality. Practicality evoves. The greeks encouraged homosexuality in their soldiers for example, because they believed that if you fought next to your lover, someone to whom you were emotionally bonded, you would fight harder to protect him. They conquered most of the ancient world using this philosophy.

Today, that reason would not apply. Other reasons for inclusion do. Our culture today promotes equality through equal right. For example.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
Been posted before, I see no problem with it, kids will love it, it will not make boys dress as girls etc.
Kids are more tolerant as others much more than adults.
When bugs bunny dressed as a girl did it make you want to be one? no thought not.
edit on 19-6-2013 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

Bugs Bunny was a rabbit. This cartoon is specifically about a boy running around as a girl. I don't know about ypu but I would not want my son running around pretending to be a woman. You seem to have no comprehension on the importance of gender roles in a society where males are becoming emasculated. This sick show purposely plays into that by DESIGN.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by supremecommander

So you think by letting your son watch this show he will want to dress like a girl? and If he did that he would turn out gay?.
You don't think much of your son do you If he is so easily swayed.
Kids are not brainwashed you know? Parents have more power than any cartoon.
Gender roles? you mean mum stays at home while dad goes to work?
Kids be it male or female can be whoever THEY want to be.
edit on 21-6-2013 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by Ismail


PRACTICALITY is not allowed.

Trying to sneak in a "good" as viable is not allowed.

Be consistent with your construction on reality.

There is NO "good" vs "bad" in that paradigm.

Sneaky "good" is still a "good."

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:36 AM
I think I'm coming down with a bad case of ADHD after watching that intro.

And here I was thinking sugar was the problem.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

You can push your LGBT agenda elsewhere.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by supremecommander

So thats why you don't like the cartoon because you think that just because a person dresses up as a female they must be are wrong.
Oh and also I can type what I like in this forum as long as it stays within T&C so I will continue sticking up for people who just want the same rights as all of us.
You don't like what I type....don't read it then.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

I don't give a damn about your agenda, tis all I'm saying. It's clear what you're trying to shove down everyone's throats.

Believing that it is acceptable for men to run around dressed and behaving like women is your right. It's also my right to express my disgust and disapproval of it.
edit on 21-6-2013 by supremecommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by supremecommander

Believing that it is acceptable for men to run around dressed and behaving like women is your right. It's also my right to express my disgust and disapproval of it.

This is the foundation of free speech and even though we have different viewpoints, I totally agree with you on this point

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